Adorable Baby Names Starting with the Letter D - SevenoParenting.Com (2024)

Baby Names Starting with the letter D

Discover a diverse collection of charming baby names Starting with the letter D. From classic to modern, find the perfect name for your little one.

1. Denzel
Meaning/Means: Denim
Gender: Boy
Origin/Source: English
Denzel is a name with English origins, commonly associated with the meaning “Denim,” bringing to mind strength and durability, much like the fabric itself.

2. Devine
Meaning/Means: Divine
Gender: Both
Origin/Source: Latin
Devine, derived from the Latin word “Divine,” transcends gender, embodying spirituality and celestial grace.

3. Devlin
Meaning/Means: Fierce Courage
Gender: Boy
Origin/Source: Irish
Devlin, rooted in Irish heritage, signifies “Fierce Courage,” epitomizing strength and determination in the face of challenges.

4. Deja
Meaning/Means: Already
Gender: Girl
Origin/Source: French
Deja, of French origin, conveys the meaning “Already,” suggesting a sense of familiarity and resonance, making it a name that feels timeless.

5. Dance
Meaning/Means: Rhythm
Gender: Both
Origin/Source: English
Dance, a unisex name rooted in English, embodies the essence of “Rhythm,” evoking movement and harmony in life.

6. Darwin
Meaning/Means: Dear Friend
Gender: Boy
Origin/Source: English
Darwin, with English origins, carries the heartfelt meaning “Dear Friend,” symbolizing companionship and loyalty.

7. Devi
Meaning/Means: Goddess
Gender: Girl
Origin/Source: Sanskrit
Devi, rooted in Sanskrit, represents the divine feminine as it translates to “Goddess,” embodying strength, grace, and power.

8. Damari
Meaning/Means: Tame
Gender: Boy
Origin/Source: Hebrew
Damari, originating from Hebrew, carries the meaning “Tame,” reflecting gentleness and tranquility.

9. Dirk
Meaning/Means: Ruler of the People
Gender: Boy
Origin/Source: German
Dirk, a Germanic name, signifies “Ruler of the People,” suggesting leadership and authority.

10. Darnell
Meaning/Means: Hidden Nook
Gender: Boy
Origin/Source: English
Darnell, rooted in English, carries the evocative meaning “Hidden Nook,” conjuring images of secrecy and shelter.

11. Dayanara
Meaning/Means: Valley of the Gift
Gender: Girl
Origin/Source: Spanish
Dayanara, a name of Spanish origin, holds the beautiful meaning “Valley of the Gift,” symbolizing abundance and blessings.

12. Deandre
Meaning/Means: Manly
Gender: Boy
Origin/Source: French
Deandre, with French roots, translates to “Manly,” embodying strength and masculinity.

13. Demetria
Meaning/Means: Goddess of Harvest
Gender: Girl
Origin/Source: Greek
Demetria, originating from Greek mythology, honors the “Goddess of Harvest,” representing fertility, abundance, and nourishment.

14. Delphina
Meaning/Means: Dolphin
Gender: Girl
Origin/Source: Greek
Delphina, rooted in Greek, symbolizes “Dolphin,” evoking qualities of intelligence, grace, and freedom.

15. Damir
Meaning/Means: Long-Lived
Gender: Boy
Origin/Source: Slavic
Damir, of Slavic origin, embodies the meaning “Long-Lived,” suggesting vitality and endurance.

16. Dianne
Meaning/Means: Divine
Gender: Girl
Origin/Source: French
Dianne, originating from French, conveys the divine essence with its meaning “Divine,” suggesting purity and spirituality.

17. Dayana
Meaning/Means: Valley
Gender: Girl
Origin/Source: Persian
Dayana, with Persian roots, signifies “Valley,” representing a serene and fertile landscape.

18. Dae
Meaning/Means: Greatness
Gender: Both
Origin/Source: Korean
Dae, a name of Korean origin, encapsulates “Greatness,” suggesting grandeur and excellence.

19. Deyanira
Meaning/Means: Devoted
Gender: Girl
Origin/Source: Greek
Deyanira, rooted in Greek mythology, symbolizes devotion and loyalty, making it a name of enduring significance.

20. Devina
Meaning/Means: Divine
Gender: Girl
Origin/Source: Sanskrit
Devina, originating from Sanskrit, carries the celestial meaning “Divine,” embodying grace, purity, and spirituality.

Unique Baby Names that Start with D

Dive into a world of distinctiveness with these unique baby names starting with the letter “D”. Stand out from the crowd with a one-of-a-kind name for your little one.

21. Dietrich
Meaning/Means: Ruler of the People
Gender: Boy
Origin/Source: German
Dietrich, with Germanic roots, signifies “Ruler of the People,” suggesting leadership and authority.

22. Demarcus
Meaning/Means: Warlike
Gender: Boy
Origin/Source: Latin
Demarcus, rooted in Latin, embodies the martial meaning “Warlike,” suggesting strength and courage.

23. Destin
Meaning/Means: Destiny
Gender: Boy
Origin/Source: French
Destin, with French origins, symbolizes “Destiny,” suggesting a sense of fate and purpose in life.

24. Drea
Meaning/Means: Courageous
Gender: Girl
Origin/Source: Greek
Drea, rooted in Greek, conveys the meaning “Courageous,” embodying bravery and strength of character.

25. Dakari
Meaning/Means: Happiness
Gender: Boy
Origin/Source: African
Dakari, of African origin, signifies “Happiness,” evoking joy and contentment.

26. Dolion
Meaning/Means: People
Gender: Boy
Origin/Source: Greek
Dolion, rooted in Greek, embodies the collective with its meaning “People,” suggesting community and unity.

27. Dea
Meaning/Means: Goddess
Gender: Girl
Origin/Source: Latin
Dea, originating from Latin, signifies “Goddess,” representing divine femininity and grace.

28. Davin
Meaning/Means: Beloved
Gender: Boy
Origin/Source: Irish
Davin, with Irish roots, carries the affectionate meaning “Beloved,” suggesting endearment and devotion.

29. Davian
Meaning/Means: Beloved
Gender: Boy
Origin/Source: American
Davian, an American name, embodies the meaning “Beloved,” signifying deep affection and cherished connection.

30. Denji
Meaning/Means: Electricity
Gender: Boy
Origin/Source: Japanese
Denji, rooted in Japanese, signifies “Electricity,” suggesting energy and power.

31. Divina
Meaning/Means: Divine
Gender: Girl
Origin/Source: Latin
Divina, of Latin origin, conveys the celestial essence with its meaning “Divine,” embodying purity and grace.

32. Dashel
Meaning/Means: Page
Gender: Boy
Origin/Source: French
Dashel, rooted in French, signifies “Page,” suggesting literary grace and refinement.

33. Donte
Meaning/Means: Enduring
Gender: Boy
Origin/Source: Italian
Donte, originating from Italian, carries the resilient meaning “Enduring,” suggesting strength and perseverance.

34. Daichi
Meaning/Means: Large First
Gender: Boy
Origin/Source: Japanese
Daichi, of Japanese origin, symbolizes “Large First,” suggesting leadership and prominence.

35. Diem
Meaning/Means: Day
Gender: Girl
Origin/Source: Latin
Diem, rooted in Latin, embodies the essence of “Day,” symbolizing light and warmth.

36. Deena
Meaning/Means: Divine
Gender: Girl
Origin/Source: Hebrew
Deena, with Hebrew roots, signifies “Divine,” suggesting purity and spirituality.

37. Deveraux
Meaning/Means: Riverbank
Gender: Boy
Origin/Source: French
Deveraux, of French origin, symbolizes “Riverbank,” evoking images of serenity and natural beauty.

38. Despina
Meaning/Means: Lady
Gender: Girl
Origin/Source: Greek
Despina, rooted in Greek, embodies nobility with its meaning “Lady,” suggesting grace and elegance.

39. Deven
Meaning/Means: Divine
Gender: Boy
Origin/Source: Irish
Deven, originating from Irish, carries the celestial meaning “Divine,” embodying purity and grace.

40. Deidra
Meaning/Means: Sorrowful
Gender: Girl
Origin/Source: Irish
Deidra, of Irish origin, signifies “Sorrowful,” suggesting a depth of emotion and sensitivity.

Baby Names that Start with Alphabet D

Delight in a selection of baby names that kick off with the letter “D”. Whether you prefer traditional or unique, there’s a name here to suit every taste.

41. Dyani
Meaning/Means: Deer
Gender: Girl
Origin/Source: Native American
Dyani, rooted in Native American culture, embodies the spirit of the “Deer,” symbolizing grace, gentleness, and intuition.

42. Drucilla
Meaning/Means: Strong
Gender: Girl
Origin/Source: Latin
Drucilla, originating from Latin, signifies “Strong,” embodying resilience and fortitude.

43. Dori
Meaning/Means: Gift
Gender: Girl
Origin/Source: Hebrew
Dori, of Hebrew origin, signifies “Gift,” suggesting blessings and abundance.

44. Deianira
Meaning/Means: Man Destroyer
Gender: Girl
Origin/Source: Greek
Deianira, rooted in Greek mythology, carries the intense meaning of “Man Destroyer,” representing the complexities of feminine power.

45. Dilara
Meaning/Means: Lover
Gender: Girl
Origin/Source: Turkish
Dilara, originating from Turkish, embodies the essence of “Lover,” suggesting passion and affection.

46. Dilara
Meaning/Means: Lover
Gender: Girl
Origin/Source: Turkish
Dilara, originating from Turkish, embodies the essence of “Lover,” suggesting passion and affection.

47. Delfina
Meaning/Means: Dolphin
Gender: Girl
Origin/Source: Italian
Delfina, with Italian roots, symbolizes “Dolphin,” evoking qualities of intelligence, grace, and freedom.

48. Dariana
Meaning/Means: Precious Gift
Gender: Girl
Origin/Source: Latin
Dariana, of Latin origin, signifies “Precious Gift,” symbolizing the cherished blessings in life.

49. Daisuke
Meaning/Means: Great Help
Gender: Boy
Origin/Source: Japanese
Daisuke, rooted in Japanese, embodies the meaning “Great Help,” suggesting support and assistance.

50. Dameon
Meaning/Means: To Tame
Gender: Boy
Origin/Source: Greek
Dameon, originating from Greek, signifies “To Tame,” suggesting control and mastery.

51. Donny
Meaning/Means: World Ruler
Gender: Boy
Origin/Source: English
Donny, with English origins, symbolizes “World Ruler,” suggesting authority and leadership.

52. Didier
Meaning/Means: Desire
Gender: Boy
Origin/Source: French
Didier, rooted in French, embodies the essence of “Desire,” suggesting passion and longing.

53. Dela
Meaning/Means: Adored
Gender: Girl
Origin/Source: English
Dela, of English origin, signifies “Adored,” suggesting affection and admiration.

54. Dewayne
Meaning/Means: Wagon Maker
Gender: Boy
Origin/Source: English
Dewayne, rooted in English, embodies the occupational meaning “Wagon Maker,” suggesting craftsmanship and skill.

55. Diallo
Meaning/Means: Bold
Gender: Boy
Origin/Source: African
Diallo, of African origin, signifies “Bold,” suggesting courage and fearlessness.

56. Devante
Meaning/Means: Enduring
Gender: Boy
Origin/Source: American
Devante, an American name, carries the resilient meaning “Enduring,” suggesting strength and perseverance.

57. Dharma
Meaning/Means: Law, Duty
Gender: Both
Origin/Source: Sanskrit
Dharma, rooted in Sanskrit, embodies the principles of “Law” and “Duty,” suggesting moral righteousness and responsibility.

58. Destinee
Meaning/Means: Destiny
Gender: Girl
Origin/Source: French
Destinee, with French origins, symbolizes “Destiny,” suggesting a sense of fate and purpose in life.

59. Destinee
Meaning/Means: Destiny
Gender: Girl
Origin/Source: French
Destinee, with French origins, symbolizes “Destiny,” suggesting a sense of fate and purpose in life.

60. Duma
Meaning/Means: Thunder
Gender: Boy
Origin/Source: African
Duma, of African origin, signifies “Thunder,” suggesting power and strength.

Baby Names That Starting with the Letter D

Embark on your search for the ideal baby name with this curated list featuring options starting with the letter “D”. Uncover traditional favorites and contemporary gems.

61. Daciana
Meaning/Means: Dawn
Gender: Girl
Origin/Source: Romanian
Daciana, rooted in Romanian, embodies the essence of “Dawn,” symbolizing new beginnings and hope.

62. Donatella
Meaning/Means: Gift
Gender: Girl
Origin/Source: Italian
Donatella, originating from Italian, signifies “Gift,” suggesting blessings and abundance.

63. Daylin
Meaning/Means: Beautiful
Gender: Girl
Origin/Source: Irish
Daylin, with Irish roots, embodies the essence of “Beautiful,” suggesting elegance and grace.

64. Darion
Meaning/Means: Gifted
Gender: Boy
Origin/Source: Greek
Darion, rooted in Greek, symbolizes “Gifted,” suggesting talent and innate ability.

65. Daquan
Meaning/Means: Strong Leader
Gender: Boy
Origin/Source: American
Daquan, an American name, signifies “Strong Leader,” suggesting authority and command.

66. Donato
Meaning/Means: Gift
Gender: Boy
Origin/Source: Italian
Donato, originating from Italian, carries the meaning “Gift,” suggesting blessings and generosity.

67. Dolan
Meaning/Means: Dark-Haired
Gender: Boy
Origin/Source: Irish
Dolan, of Irish origin, signifies “Dark-Haired,” describing someone with rich, dark locks.

68. Deandra
Meaning/Means: Divine
Gender: Girl
Origin/Source: American
Deandra, an American name, signifies “Divine,” suggesting purity and spirituality.

69. Diantha
Meaning/Means: Divine Flower
Gender: Girl
Origin/Source: Greek
Diantha, rooted in Greek, combines the celestial essence of “Divine” with the beauty of a “Flower,” suggesting grace and purity.

70. Dionne
Meaning/Means: Divine Queen
Gender: Girl
Origin/Source: French
Dionne, originating from French, combines the divine essence of “Divine” with the regal stature of a “Queen,” suggesting grace, power, and elegance.

71. Damara
Meaning/Means: Gentle
Gender: Girl
Origin/Source: Greek
Damara, of Greek origin, signifies “Gentle,” suggesting kindness and compassion.

72. Dru
Meaning/Means: Manly
Gender: Boy
Origin/Source: Scottish
Dru, rooted in Scottish heritage, translates to “Manly,” embodying strength and masculinity.

73. Dacia
Meaning/Means: From Dacia
Gender: Girl
Origin/Source: Latin
Dacia, originating from Latin, signifies “From Dacia,” suggesting a connection to the ancient region and its rich history.

74. Daxon
Meaning/Means: Valley Town
Gender: Boy
Origin/Source: English
Daxon, with English origins, embodies the essence of “Valley Town,” suggesting a place of community and belonging.

75. Dusk
Meaning/Means: Twilight
Gender: Both
Origin/Source: English
Dusk, a unisex name rooted in English, symbolizes “Twilight,” evoking the magical transition between day and night.

76. Demir
Meaning/Means: Iron
Gender: Boy
Origin/Source: Turkish
Demir, of Turkish origin, signifies “Iron,” suggesting strength, durability, and resilience.

77. Deleon
Meaning/Means: Lion
Gender: Boy
Origin/Source: Spanish
Deleon, originating from Spanish, symbolizes “Lion,” evoking qualities of courage, strength, and leadership.

78. Dallin
Meaning/Means: From the Valley
Gender: Boy
Origin/Source: English
Dallin, with English roots, signifies “From the Valley,” suggesting a connection to nature and the land.

79. Damia
Meaning/Means: Gentle
Gender: Girl
Origin/Source: Greek
Damia, of Greek origin, signifies “Gentle,” suggesting kindness and compassion.

80. Diva
Meaning/Means: Divine One
Gender: Girl
Origin/Source: Italian
Diva, rooted in Italian, symbolizes the divine essence with its meaning “Divine One,” suggesting grace, elegance, and sophistication.

Baby Names That Starting with the letter D

Explore an array of endearing baby names that start with the letter “D”. Delve into timeless classics and trendy choices to inspire your naming journey.

81. Darrian
Meaning/Means: Gifted
Gender: Boy
Origin/Source: Irish
Darrian, with Irish roots, symbolizes “Gifted,” suggesting talent and innate ability.

82. Denim
Meaning/Means: Strong Fabric
Gender: Both
Origin/Source: French
Denim, originating from French, embodies the strength and durability of “Strong Fabric,” making it a name associated with resilience and toughness.

83. Dariel
Meaning/Means: God is My Dwelling
Gender: Boy
Origin/Source: Hebrew
Dariel, rooted in Hebrew, conveys the spiritual meaning “God is My Dwelling,” suggesting a deep connection to the divine.

84. Donavan
Meaning/Means: Dark
Gender: Boy
Origin/Source: Irish
Donavan, with Irish roots, signifies “Dark,” suggesting mystery and depth.

85. Deb
Meaning/Means: Bee
Gender: Girl
Origin/Source: Hebrew
Deb, of Hebrew origin, signifies “Bee,” suggesting industriousness and community.

Adorable Baby Names Starting with the Letter D - SevenoParenting.Com (2024)


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Name: Foster Heidenreich CPA

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