The Citizen from Berea, Kentucky (2024)

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I 1THE CITIZEN i je In chI Harden The rose is mode ot little frills The lily Is a cup And Knllets ore the daffodils From which the tattles sup The daisy Is daring sun Ho small nnd round nnd sweet Thn sunflower IH a blKKor ono Though never hulf no neat yetn You really cant deny Till lovely little violet Was once a piece of sky The orchids that I may not touch Am curious like shells The hyacinths remind mo much ot lots of little bells I I In fart through all our garden plot In Mummer tlmo or spring Thems hardly any Dower thats not Just like some other Ihlnir Muricurct fltetle Anderson i I rut Understood Not understood We movo ulong asunder 1Not paths grow wider as tho season creep Along the years wa marvel and we Wonder I der Why life Is lift and then we toll asleep Not understood Not understood We gather false impress shine And hug them closer as the years go by I Till virtue oftvn seems to us trurt nre Mans And thus men rise and fall and live and die Not understood Not understood Ioor souls with stunted vision Oft measure giants by their narrow gauge The poisoned shafts of falsehood and de rision Are oft Impelled gamut those who mold the use useNet understood Not understood The secret springs of action Which lie beneath the surface and the show Arc disregarded with self satisfaction We Judge our neighbors and they often to Not understood I Not understood How many hearts are aching For lack of sympathy Ah day by day How many cheerless lonely hearts are breaking How many noble spirits pass away Not understood Clod that men should see a little clearer Or Judge less harshly when they cannot seat God that men would draw a little nearer To one another Theyd be nearer thee And understood 1 1 Holt In Louisiana Bun ttt1tM 1Wt H1 1 The Home JKHRIB LESTER HILL Editor 11111I111IH HH AN EXCELLENT FEED Thorn In no bettor or cheaper feed for the laying henaluau milk It Is not advisable however to feed great quantities of it in its liquid Mate an it la very loosening to tho bowels It should bo prepared fie follows Place thick soar milk in pans and not over the fire lo heat through well when the whey may bo easily separated from the curd It should Ira drained to it dry powdery mans when it will ho fit to feed The curd from two pan or milk will make a generous feed for twonty five hem Bo mire to give plenty of water also grit It will bo found nprofitnblo food MANAGEMENT Of aoiLTIKd HENS Moulting hens will now lw noticed Anti also until late in the year if slow in beginning to shed their feathers They need dry quarters at night and protection from rains during the day an they will easily take cold in such condition A teaspoonful of tincture of iron in tho drinking water will sorvn as an invigorator and the food nhotild be of a variety and nourishing Milk should bo given freely CHICKEN CHOLEIU The beat symptom of cholera in intense thirst Indigestion in often supposed to be cholera Cholera kills quickly but indigestion destroys only slowly The best remedy for cholera thoro is no sure euro is a teaspoonful of liquid carbolic acid ina quart of drinking water For indigestion cease feeding for twonlyfour hours and then give only one meal a day a light ono and pound some crockery or old china for the hens Ills only when hens are overfed and are not compelled to work and scratch that they have indigestion indigestiontI tI I I IH II Flll The School 00 JOHN W1RT DINSMORB Editor SLOYD The word Sloyd as applied to that peculiar system of educational toolwork which originated in Sweden ivas carefully selected from the Swedish vocabulary Manual Training is not a synonymous term and is often misleading when it is so used for the word Sloyd moans not only manual training but mental training I as well With those two things which are included in the very definition of tho word itself we way with high authority couple ono other consideration and say that tho principles of Sloyd are remarkably favor able to a virtuous disposition Squareness in things is not without its relation to rqtiareness in thought and notion and when a student has learned to ho truthful and exact in working with wood he will bo much inclined to apply tho same virtues in other directions on other occasions The trite expression that ideal education has to do with the threefold nature of the human being Ia most important one but It does not convoy the whole truth Such an education must not only clovolop the physique and tho mind and tho morals propor tionately but it must do it nimultane ounly with rational progression anti with a minimum of monotony or drudgery The school courses are already overcrowded but of the vari ous studies in tho largo and growing curriculum no ono branch when standing alone can an yet claim tog HIIU8Y guueial progressive simultaneous dovelopement Con frequently Sloyd has boon planned and prompted by wise men to fill this imortnnt ollico and tho only excuse for introducing such a subject into tho schools of this country is that with a careful study of the growing child bill welfare seems to demand it The value of Sloyd an as education al factor is fast becoming universally recognized Although it in yet in its infancy so far as America in concern od it has already met with exceeding success in many parts of the North and East and Las won the hearty approbation of many great educators It in deeply significant to find among its advocates and supporters such mn an Dr John Dewey of the Uni versity of Chicago Dr Han ford Henderson of Philadelphia Pres Arthur Hndloy of Yale University and Prof James and Pre Eliot of Harvard HarvardNevertheless Nevertheless like almost all other new and important movements it has had to moot and disarm many kInds of opposition Influential people sitting in educational authority have not always understood its importance and have given it an inferior position Others who have porhaps somewhat fully realized its value have been ignorant of the conditions which wore favorable to its highest success and have hampered it by adverse circum stances While several other mis apprehensions concerning it have boon abroad But those things have caused all triioheatted Sloyd teachers lo cry out in its defense and the difficulties which confronted it are fast disappearing before tho light of amore thorough study of the subject MADISON COMBS ItIHlI1 iI M11HtI IH 1 SILAS CHRKVBR MASON Editor HMHM I 1 11 HMHM MANURIAL CROPS IN THE SOUTH Clover Crops In General Farming Continued from tat week My experience with cow peas is more limited but one field of 18 acres which had borne successive crops of corn was in consequence in very poor condition and sowed to black cowpens in May In September when the pens were ripening they were cut with a mowing machine raked with a horse rako and stacked in moderate sized slacks As soon as they were dry they were beaten out with flails and the stalks fed to the cows they were eaten with great relish As soon as the peai were taken off the ground was plowed thoroughly har rowed and rolled harrowed again in a few days and sown to wheat in October when an application of 400 pounds of acid phosphate por acre was mado Tho following March Red clover seed waseown on the field Tho yield of wheat wajufino The stand of clover was excellent and the yield the following spring was about two tons per acre Another small field in very poor condition from suo cesiive croppings without manure was sown to cow peas of the Unknown variety Two hundred pounds of acid phosphate were applied The growth of vines was very rank and was cut for feed and the following spring the ground was in admirable condition for strawberries This course of treatment soon made the whole farm fertile and productive WESLKT WEBB in the Rural New Yorker An Old Favorite ROBERT OF LINCOLN By William Cullen Bryant IlrMlEnnJLT EIiniLT swinging on brier und went Near to the nest of his little dame Over thu mountain aWe or mend Hobcrt of Lincoln la tclllnir his name llobollnk bob llnk Bplnk Mimiik speak Snug and wife In this unit of ours Hidden anuriK the Hummer flowers Choc cliec elite llobrrt of Lincoln 18 Ktiyly dressed UciirliiK a bright black wedding coat White are his nhouldera and white his crest Hear him call In his merry note llobollnk lob link Spunk 11lIk stunk look what a nice new coat In mlno Sure there was never bird 10 line Chee clue elite Robert of Lincolns Quaker wife Pretty und quiet with plain brown WllIKH Passing at home a patient life llrouds In the grass while her hue band sings liobollnk bobollnk Hplnk spank spunk Brood kind creature you need not fear Thloves and robbers while I am here Chee chee clieo Modest and shy ns a nun la she One weak chirp Is her only note Ilraeeart nod prince of braggarts Is he Iourloir boasts frpm his little throat llobollnk bol olln Hplnk spank splnk Never wan I afraid of men Catch me cowardly knaves If you conCh dim dice CARE OF CLOTHES Ilow to Kp Your WrarlBK Apparel I I 0004 Ccsidlllon I For taking spots out of cloth Itt best to have at hand the necessary material ns It is much easier to re move spots when they are new than when they become old nnd dry Hen zinc gasoline and naphtha are all food A little piece of plain white llnnnol or some very fast dye cloth is best to apply this with or In the absence of this you might use an old sponge Thu rare of gloves may be best sub served by the ohnervancu of a few slum ple rules says Hnbenlnnher Keep them In tissue paper Dont pull them out of shape It is no tout of quality and stalls their beauty Clove powder freely used Is the price of pair of gloves In many cases A perspiring hand forced Into dry glove often one or two sizes too small will usually come out the least Injured and the blame will be as unfair as tho treatment If you send your clothes out to be done up lx sure that you select hand laundry Machine work and acids make short work of fine ifothe Shirts col lars nnd cuffs should bo done up without gloss Insist on the domestic fin Isis Hnve your poke and wing collars Ironed flat not curled All clothing should IKS carefully hung up nnd It you will study iSix nod use the modern appliances which ore easily procured you can keep a great deal of clothing In good condi tion In a very small space The cheap twisted wire coat racks are goodI enough On these put the waistcoat nnd then over the waistcoat put the coat There ore also patent trousers hanger which keep the trousers press ed In shape but It is much easier to fold your trousers properly anti lay them in the bottom of your closet or in a long drawer A piece of paper should be put be tween each pair of trousers nod Iti will not hurt them It they have to bo folded once In light weight suitings such ns homespuns anti flannels It Is much better to lay the trousers out flat In a drawer than to hang them up All clothing should be carefully brushed and kept as free from dust as possibleHow How to Cleam Marble Marble can be cleaned by rubbing with a rather soft paste made of whiting or prepared chalk and water tr which little ammonia has been added Rlnso afterward with clcaji water A rub with pumice stone and water will restore the polish flow to Make Water Lily Salad Hero Is a salad that looks as pretty I OR It sounds and tastes as delicious as It both looks and sounds Cut tbeI whites of hard boiled eggs Into pointed I petal 11ke strips Save out two or three I yolks but mash the rest Mix withI mayonnaise and fill tho middle of thlI arranged petals with the mixture rutI tho remaining yolks through a fine sieve scatter over tho petals to simu late pollen nnd cut lettuce Into points to resemble the outer green How to Save Your Hoeklnars To save your stockings sew a piece of chamois leather on the Inside of the heel of your shoe This will prevent It rubbing thp stocking and so delay the appearance of those dreaded holes I How to Keep Mold Front oJaI Have ready the covers and as you fill 1 each jar rover at once while boiling I hot This will make them perfectly air tight Jam jellies and marmalade mode up In this way will keep two or even three years lion to Clean Frying Paas Do not crape a frying pan as It Is liable afterward to burn Instead i ah well with a hard crust of bread and wash In hot water iIi Six while eggs on a bed of hay Flecked with purple a pretty sight There os the mother sits nil day Itobcrt Is singing with all his might liob link bobollnk Bplnk spank splnk Nice good wife that never goes out Keeping house while I frolic about Chec Ghee clue Boon as tho little ones chip the shell Six wide mouths are open for food Ilnbrrt of Lincoln bestirs him well authoring seeds for the hungry broodIobollnk Iobollnk bobolink Spunk spank splnk This new life Is likely to bo Hard for a Kay young fellow like me Chee chee chee Robert of Lincoln at length Is made Saber with work and silent with rare Off Is his holiday garment laid Half forgotten that merry air Ilub link bob ilnk Spunk spank plnk 1lnkNobody Nobody knows but my mate and I Where our nest and our nestlings lie Chee chee chee Summer wanes the children are grown Fun and frolic no more ho knows Robert of IJncoln a humdrum crone Off he lies and wo sing as he goes goellJlobolink plnkWhen When you can pipe that merry old strain Robert of Lincoln come back again Chee chee chee USEFUL HINTS How to Solve Several Perplexing Household Problems A quick and easy way to slip a rod through curtains Is to pare the end of the rod put a thimble on the end and the rod will slip through quite easily without tearing the curtain To prevent windows from steaming clean them thoroughly and apply a small quantity of glycerin over the polish with a soft cloth Rub briskly and lightly until the glycerin 1 well rubbNlln rubbNllnTo To prevent portieres catching underneath tho door when opened quickly screw small ring such ns Is used for picture frames Into the center of time door frame To this fasten length of blind cord sufllclent to reach to the bot tom of the curtain Iut another ring in tile center of the door at the top thread the cord through and fasten to the bottom of the curtain and as tho door Is opened no the curtain rises Do not throw old Incandescent man ties nway They make splendid polIsh for sliver Put a little on soft duster and rub on the article to be cleaned It will polish beautifully without scratching or marking the sliver verReforc cleaning out a fireplace sprinkle a good handful of tea leaves among the ashen This makes the ashes lift easier and prevents the dust from fly ing about the roomr When machining soft materials such as silks or muslins pin or tack strips of paper along the parts to be machined so that the paper Is next to the teeth of the dewing machine nnd the work up permost Then tho material will not nick or gather as It otherwise wouM1 Even chiffon can bo machined In this wayNever Never disturb nn invalid by making a noise when putting coals on the fire In the sick room Put the pieces of coal In paper bags and put both cools and bag on the fire How to Wash a Lace Collar To wash a lace collar first sew tho lace with long stitches upon a double thickness of white flannel plunge Into wnrm soapsuds and wash then rlnso In clear water to which a little borax and bluing have been added Gently squeeze In the hand place between dry flannel and press till dry with a hot Iron How to Draw aa Oral Take two stout plus and stick them firmly Into the table through the sheet of paper on which you wish to draw the oral about two inches apart Then tic together tho ends of a bit of string about eight Inches long BO aa to form a loop leaving two loose ends each about an Inch long When you have done this tie the loose ends lntoa smaller loop which need not be larger than sufficient to admit the point of pencil Now place the larger loop over the two pins and putting the point of your pencil through the smaller loop stretch the string as far as It will go and circle all around tho pins You will find that In moving from one pin to the other the string forms nn ever varying triangle and that the figure described In passing all around tho pins Is as per feet an oval as the most delicate Instru ment can produce produceflow How to Air Beds The directions for airing beds given In a domestic training school are worth noting Placo two chairs with seats together near an open window Fold tho counterpane neatly the long way and lay over the tops of the chairs allowing the middle to sag down to tho seats Fold the blankets next and place over the counterpane allowing a space between each for the circulation of air Proceed In the same way with the rest of the bedrlothlng Heat up time pillows and place them where they will get the air k1 a A NARROW MARGIN In the Second Race tho Reliance Beat the Shamrock One Min i ute and 19 Seconds iute FINE AND HARD FOUGHT CONTEST At Every Point of Sailing of the Vcr sets the Defenders Superiority Was Demonstrated Bated Upon the Magnificent Showing the Reliance Has Made It II the Belief of Expert That the Cup Will Remain Here New York Aug 2GIn a glorious whole sail breeze over a triangular course ten miles to a leg the fleet Hooted cup defender Reliance again Tuesday showed her heels to Sir Thomas LIptona challenger taking the second race of the cup series of 1903 by tho narrow margin of one minute and 10 seconds It was as pretty and as hard a fought contest as has ever been sailed off Sandy Hook and had tho wind not fallen during the last ten minutes the record for the course 3 hours 12 minutes and 15 seconds mado by Columbia two years ago In her memorable raco against Shamrock II would have been broken As It was Reliance sailed the 30 miles within two minutes and 39 seconds of the record which speaks wonders for her speed In the wind that was blowing Reliances victory narrow as It was would have been even smaller had not SHAMROCK THE THIRD 1 Capt Wringo the skipper of the Brit ish ship bungled tho start sending his craft over tho lino 19 seconds after the last gun and handicapping her to that extent At every point of sailing the defenders superiority was demonstrated She gained ono minute and 61 seconds In windward work 40 seconds on tho run to the second mark and 45 seconds I on tho close reach for hom*o I Based upon the maglnflccnt showing she has made in the two races already sailed It Is tho belief of many expert that the cup is safe and that It will take something better than Fifes latest creation to even budgo it After the race Sir Thomas Lipton saidYou You have all seen the results and the only thing I can say Is that we did better today than In tho last race which ii hopeful I figure my defeat at a little over one minute It I make as much progress in the next as I did In this over the last I will be a bit ahead In the finish of the third race I was more than pleased with the way my own boat was handled today It Is hard to admit It but the best boat won Perhaps with more wind at the finish tho result might have been dif ferent But I dont want to throw any cold water on the victor It Is hard to win every race In such a series and I hope our turn will come next Capt Barr said Thats number two Now wo will get ready for tho thirdLord Lord Sbaftesbury said We are licked The Reliance Is jolly well tho best boat Oliver Iselln said I dont suppose any body over saw two boats better handled than those were today It would seem however that the Roe lance baa proved her superiority in all kinds of weather and under all conditions Won the Champlain Stake Saratoga Aug 2G African der added in tho last minute won tho Champlain stakes Tuesday Hermls and McChesney who were to meet In this event as tho representatives of tho east and the west respectively were scratched on account of tho heavy going Africander was made a 7 to 10 shot and von handily by a length and a halt I Funeral of Menottl Garibaldi Rome Aug 26rThe funeral of Me nottl Garibaldi tho eldest son of the patriot took place Tuesday and evoked a great popular demonstration of sympathy It Is estimated that 850000 witnessed the funeral procession Miner Go Out on Strike Cumberland Md Aug 2GElght hundred coal miners employed In the Elk Garden fields of West Virginia I are on strike because It is stated of tho discharge of men for joining ofI United Mine Workers union TUESDAY I I II National League ftilt First game Phllaphla 400000000412 1i Plttsburg 00201000 26 7 1 Doheny and Phelps Duggleby and Roth Doom Umpire Emsllo andI Second game Philadelphia 00000 00 6 2 Pltteburg to 8 0 1 1 1 3 8 0 Wlnbam and Smith Fraser and Doo In UmpireEmsliot UmpireEmslioAmerican American League Detroit 000000000 0 4 2 Chicago 01000010 02 10 0I Donovan and Buelow Flaherty and Slattery Umpire OLoughlln Cleveland 0 2 0 00 0 0 1 03 10 a Phllaphla 20100800 09 17 2 Donahue and Abbott Henley and Schreck UmpireEgan American Association Louisville 9 Kansas City 0 St Paul 7 Toledo 0 Columbus 12 Minneapolis 2 I I Central League I Dayton 2 Fort Wayne 6 Wheeling 6 South Bend 6 Terro Haute 7 Grand Rapids 6 Pitcher Waddell Released Cleveland 0 Aug 26 Pitcher Waddell of the Philadelphia American league team was released permanent ly by Manager Mack Tuesday Waddell did not put in an appearance for Tuesdays gamo and Tuesday afternoon ho was told to hand over his uni form to tho club and to consider his services no longer at the disposal of tho Philadelphia team Death of David Leed New York Aug 26Tho sudden death of David Bradley Leo was announced Tuesday evening Mr Leo who was in his 70th year was a brother of the Countess Von Walderseo formerly Miss Mary Lee and of tho Baroness do Wachtor A Remarkable Run Springfield 111 Aug 26WabashI passenger train No 6 mado a remarkable run from Litchfield to Decatur Engineer Harry Stigall was at the throttle and the 69 miles was covered In 64 minutes Four minutes wore lost In making stops Gen Sumner at Victoria Victoria Aug 2GThe steamer Empress of China brought among her passengers Gen Sumner who has been directing the operations against tho Moros in Mindanao and who accompanied by Mrs Sumner is bound for Omaha Five Prisoner Escape Tucson Ariz Aug 26F1ve prisoners Including Carlos McCormick the boy murderer aged 16 escaped from Pima county jail by digging a I hole In tho wall of the Jalland dropping from the second story by means of a rope Rich Gold Field Discovered IRich Mexico City Aug 26There ill much excitement In Caxaca over the discovery of rich gold fields about 160 miles west of tho city of Caxaca and 12 miles from tho town of EJutla The oro found is said to assay up to 50 000 a ton tonThe The Boll Weevil In Texas Galveston Tex Aug 26The Texas section of tho weather bureau servo ice Tuesday Issued a map showing the boll weevil district of tho cotton belt ot the state There are 81 counties I affected Tho pests aro doing much damageRetains Retains the Championship I Port Huron Mich Aug 26 Martin Duffy of Chicago won from Matty Mattyr Matthews Tuesday night in a tonI round bout which went to tho limit a I and thus retains the light welterweight I I championship of the world Stock Stable and Barns Burned Springfield III Aug 26All the stock stables and barns on the Leland hotel farm south of this city were destroyed by fire Tuesday afternoon Tho residence was saved with dIm culty The loss Is heavy 1 MARKET BBFOHT 1 Flour and Grain Cincinnati Aug 25FlourWlnter patent 395420 fancy I35037C family 295320 extra 2650275 low grado 230240 spring patent 4CO5 fancy 385415 familyI 365380 Northwestorn rye 325i 340 Wheat No 2 red quotablo at S3083V4C on track CornNo 2 mix I I ed quotable at 6353o on track Sales No 3 white track BSc No3 mixed track 52yac OatsSales No 2 mixed track 34Yac No 4 white track 341dc Chicago Aug 25WhoatNo 2 red 8tY82c No 3 dO 8081c No 2 hard winter 80 tfo No3 do 70 I SOc No 1 Northern spring 90c No 2 do 87c No3 spring 83c Corn No 2 61051C No8 Blc Oats No2 3232sc 32032yrcLive Live Stock Cincinnati Aug 26CatUeHeavy steers choice to extra U605 none of the latter on sale fair to good 410450 butcher steers extra 450 0465 good to choice 366440 heifers extra 3854 good to choice 3600380 cows extra 3600375 good to choice 2600340 Cales Fair to good light 525625 extra 650 Hogs Choice selected medium shippers 1700200 Ibs 610 choice medium packers and butchers 60 605 heavy 5600580 few 5850 590 light shippers 6100620 pigs I 110 Ibs 5250610 Sheep Extra 325 good to choice 2750315 LambsExtra 576 good to choice I54505C5 1 a.

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Author: Pres. Carey Rath

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Author information

Name: Pres. Carey Rath

Birthday: 1997-03-06

Address: 14955 Ledner Trail, East Rodrickfort, NE 85127-8369

Phone: +18682428114917

Job: National Technology Representative

Hobby: Sand art, Drama, Web surfing, Cycling, Brazilian jiu-jitsu, Leather crafting, Creative writing

Introduction: My name is Pres. Carey Rath, I am a faithful, funny, vast, joyous, lively, brave, glamorous person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.