The Courier-Journal from Louisville, Kentucky (2024)


i i New York Stock Exchange Bonds Bond Market Average New York Curb Quotations Bankers Will Boost 4C4pyrlht. Standard Statistic, C. Ww York, Aug. 14 C4 The bond Sale ia l.ooon Hith. Low.

Close 20 20 20 60 16 it 5s '67 New York. Auer. 14 OP) PriPM fin 65 64 64', 4 Sales iin 1.000s). Hish. Low.

ciase, Uils. Total. 83 9 82 9 18 Do rf 5s '75 38 Do pr ln 4s 'fl 1 zTranscont Air 91 91 83 5 86 9 ished moderately lower after a quiet curb market session today. Selling which began in metals, spread to 90 72 71 103 sales (in 100. dhM High.

Low. Close. 5 Nat Pub 5s "78 ctf 7 7 7 1 Nebr Pow 6s A 2023. 95 95 95 4s '81 101 101 101 6 Nevada Cal 5s '56 73 72 72 11 NJni GftE 5s '50 55 54 54 72 71 101 4 -iirans-Lur 1 1 Trt sta TftT pf (.60) 6 1 iTung Sol pt (3). 22 5 Do gen lien 4s 72 4 Do cvt 4s '53 71 5 En te Jer 6s Housing Programme Enthusiastic Support to Be Accorded By Financial Groups, Officials Say.

market advanced over a broad front today and recently depressed carrier end utility issues all but wiped out the losses of the past three sessions. The Government list was firm throughout the day. Standard Statistics Company average of 60 domestic corporate loans gained four-tenths of a point to 82.9. Indls. 82.1 82.0 82 7 83 7 78.0 65 3 83.7 83.

9 72.8 77.1 58.3 Tuesdsy Monday We-k to Month ago Year aco 2 Yrs. 8K0 3 Yrs. aso Hih (1934) Low (19341. Hish U933i Low (1933. RRs.

798 78 I 81 87 8 81 67.0 95 0 90.0 74 1 84.9 57.0 78 0 utilities; alcohols and other parts of the list. Some specialties improved 54 union Gas Canada. 3 SaIei.Un 1000s). Hish. Low.

aose, 5 103U 103'. 1 Paul Dep 5S 109', 109', 1 SAAa Pass 4s '41 7SU SBesb A eon 5, '45. 8 8 8 2 Sea A 4s aO sta 1 1 18 3 Do rfs 45 '59 6 6 6 2 Sea-All 6s 35 A ct 33i 33, VM 5 Shar St Hp 5'as '48 70 69', 70 SieU is 'S2 105b lm- 100S 1 Un 5s '47 99' a 99' a 99' a oiDo 49 ww 99, 99s, 3 5s '49 103, 1034 10334 lesian Am 7s '41 44 44 44 9 Sine Oil col 7s '37 .1033 103', 10334 i o.15?, '38 103'a lOT.i 103U ii s' '41 108'i 108 108', 9 32 against the mam trend. 9 32 1 84 87 3 80 9 11.5 93.2 88.1 74.8 83.4 63 8 78.1 57.5 87. 90 1 85 5 82.4 101 0 90 8 77.3 Mi 74.1 86.3 70.9 inn i 32 UO OS 48 84 4 Do as '47 54 5 Eng Pow 5s '54 64 3 Do as '48 62 3 Orl -4a 4 in 54 51 64 62 29 54 64 62 29 STOCKS.

zz Cst 5s .4 1 Francis Sug '42 5 Gannett 6s '43 5 Gen Am Inv 5s '62 Sales iln 4100). Hish. Low. Close. Washington, Aug.

14 OF) A meet- 97 87 "a 97 "i 19 Do 4s '35 43 High 1 71.3 49 49 94 94 94 (In S. GOVERNMENT BONDS. dollars and thirty-seconds.) Low 1932.. unit corp war 3 Lnit Pounders 3 Unit Gas 6 Do war 3 Do pf 11 Un Lt ft Pow a 4 Do cv pf 1 On Molasses Ltd 3 Elee p0w 2US Foil (.60) 47.4 3 Lt 4s 2004 100 100 leading; bankers and Housing 3 offici today wa, 2 Gen Bale 5s '40 ...104 104 104 10 Can Cable 5' as 74 73! 73 15U 1926 average equals LIBERT. pf 33 1 8 4 65 5-16 10 1 Alnsworth 1 r.Air Invest cy 1 Alum Co Am 1 Alum Ilii Sales (par value).

$12,688,000. 15'i 10 55 22 'a 10 55 "Dractical'y wcu rcirui OS 103 1UD 1 Pub 8 5s '39. 94 94 94 4s '67 90 as-. "UIU 4 Us '67 90 NY PowftLt 22 every bank In the country- trmilk tju.u rc jg S6 55,4 i9 83! 83; oei. stl Cast '49 84 84 84 .50 Am Boole 4t 54 54 103 108 2 2 1 1 8 8 23 22 3 1 1 3 3 33 33 1 1 8 81 4 4 6s 10 10 'a 4 4 46 43 34 6 6 3 3 9-16 9-16 3-18 2 2 9 9 40 40 Bain tin $1.000.

Hish. Low. Close. 105 3s '32-47 103.17 103.19 103.17 64 1st 4s 32-47 1C3.1 102.26 103.1 4 4th 4 Us '33-33 103.20 103.14 103.20 19 4ln '33-33 cid. 100.31 100.30 100.31 4 4th 4s res 103.13 103.13 .25 I Am Cit.

PA-LA' Vs'lil 29 i' UO 'US '69 5-U 7 NY St EftG 4'as '80 833 2 Nias Fall 6s 108 28 Nor Am LiP 5S '56 49 3 Nor Con Ut 5 Us '43A 27 2 Nor Ind Pub 5s '69 69 49 i zDn IUci 2 ucn ines tq 6s '40. 6 6 6 1 Goodrich 6s '47 ...104 104 104 13 Do 6s '45 79'i 78 79 19 Gooriyr TAB 5s 100s 100U 7 Gr Tk Ri Can 7s ins Sor.P'ie. Co1 Tr '49 65 iS Do 4Us Ore '77 75 26 69 65 49 26 68 65 69 PORKERS CONTINUE TO ADVANCE WITH TOPS BRINGING S5.S0 HERE unit stores vte 1 Unit Verde tli 4 4 Util Power ft 4 pi Util ft md pt TBEASVBY. 4 Am Cyan I 1 Am Founders .50 Do pf .50 Do nf 2 Am Gas A- El tla so a 4s 'so n. 1 uo 4s 65 1 Do 5s '66 69 18 14 14 22 55 84" 6.T'4 74'k 94'.

78U 73 57 61 55U 83'a 64 74 44 77 73', 94 56 60'i 5 Gr Tt Rv Cjn 6s 107'. 107'. 69 14 aonin Rv 78! a 54' 29' 2' IS' 1 14' 14 8 12 11" 1 25 Nor Oh 5s 100 9 Gt Nor Ri 7s '36 90 88' 15 10 55 22 54 29 2 17 14'a 14 21 8 12 11 1 1 7 V' 6 nor Ob TrftL 5s '56 96 95 uo pr i6 (Continued from Page 13.) 100 96 90 U4' 24'; so Am Laun Mch 30i 12 12 Do (ten 6s '56 25 Do con 5s '94 19 Do ten 4s '58' 5 Do 4s '38 2 Bell Tel 5 '54 la Oil 5s '45 9-16 95 57 61 108 1 Am Light A-T 89 24 24 11.61 i0t 11 "a 804 72 66 67 92 89 81 72 'i 66U 67 93 89 unfinished hogs dis- 9 Am suo Power Grajtsy and counted 108 108 113 4 Us 47-52 3 4s '47-52 rej 542 4s-3-. '43-45 143 4sL 44-54 1S9 3 '46-56 332 3 29 852 3-s '41-43 1131 3 1 43 '41 4s '44-43 194 3s '46-49 ror state 4s '61 90 1 Nor west Pow Oi 60. 24! Do 6s '60 ctfs 24 20 Oeden Gas Ss 96 36 Ohio Edis as '60 S3 ...108 105 105 'i .111.30 111.10 111.28 ...111.6 111.6 111.

..102.10 lOiJJ 102 JQ.7,21.-107.a 107.21 6 106.3 106.6 ...104 2 103 26 104 ...103.18 103.10 103.16 ...104 2 103.27 104 ...104.6 104 104.2 ...102 101.17 102 ...101.14 101.9 101.12 ...100.16 100.8 100.1 ..100.14 100.12 100.12 zVenezuel Pet 7 rwenden Cop 1 zWest Va ft 23 Wright Har 5b) 2 uo S'as '52 81 1 Or Nor 5s '73 72'a 41 Do 4'3s '76 67 1 Do 4' as '77 67 1 Do 1st 4'is '61 93 2 6t Stl o'as 89 6 Hons Oil Tex 5'-s '40 85 6 Hudson Coal 5s '62 A 44's 3 Hui fz rig as '57. 83" ai 103 103'a 1033, Jl St Oil 2 Studebak; 6s '42 ct 96 96 1-32 2 10 39 39 2 1 1-32 7 9 3 5 92 93 Arkj Nat Gas A 2 As ft EL A 3 As war 10 Atl est Fish 22 Atlas Coro 11 Do war i ZAuto Mach i' 7 8 85 44 83 85 44', 83 3 40 Youaf stn ft pf 40 1 tYukon Gold 4(M 550 3s '49-43 253 3s 'al-55 39 i uo nc 5s 57 39 39 2 Ohio Pow 5s '52 Bs.105 105 105 61 Do 4s '56 101 100 101 6 Ohio Pub 8 6s '53 C.lOl 100 101 4 Do 6 61 97 96 96 13 Do 5s '54 91 90 91 3 Okla ft 6s '40 A. 90 88 88 8 Do 5s '50 94 94 94 1 Okla ft Wat 5s '43. 47 47 47 dometicbodr7 10 Ten EI Pow '47 A 85 4 TRR A St 4' is '39 108 33 A St 4s 99 Tex Coro 5s cvt 103 2 Tex 1st 5s 2000.. 109 12 Do 5s '77 75 Do 5s '79 75 26 Third Ave edj 5s '60.

29 5 Third Ave 4s '60 si Sheep Receipts 1,700. Combined receipts of sheep and lambs at the principal markets totaled about the tame Tuesday as compared with the same day last week. Price trends at most points were generally steady. Receipts of sheeD and lambs were moderate here. The quality of Tuesday's run was only fair but demand was dependable and the market ruled generally steady on all classes.

Bulk of the better truckedin ewe and 84 85 108 98 Sis 102 103 109 109 73 75 74 75 28 Sales tin 41,000. High. Low. Close. participate tne Government's horns repair and modernization campaign.

BYRD STILL TOO ILL FOR RETURN TO BASE Little America. Antarctica, Aus. 14 (Via MacKay Radio to United Pres). Anxiety for Rear Admiral Richard E. Byrd was relieved today when Dr.

Thomas C. Poulter. second in command of the South Polar expedition, reported by radio, from the advance weather bas that the leader was 'resting comfortably" and gives every evidence of being ble to make rapid recovery. The message had been awaited anxiously since first word two davs ago reporting Byrd weak and thin from nearly five months of isolation at his tmy shack, buried beneath the snows 011 the RojS jce barrier. 123 miles south of Little America.

Dr. Poulter. who led the tractor relief party to the barrier to relieve Byrd of his weather observations Uicre. aaded it would be some time DCfore they would care to expose the Admiral to the hazards of a tractor here7 bac to the headquarters .50 Bell Tel Can )6t 1 zBlue Ridee .30 BOwm .75 Brown Co of 2 Buf (l ft Id Fed 3Us 100 100.14 169 Fed Fjrm 2s '49 99.6 99 09 3 280 Home Own Ln 4s'51 99.12 912 1 Home res Jl t)9 Sst 99 349 Home 3s A ii 99.8 9J.28 99.1 54 54 13 Hum ill a is 102. 102 I 1 II! B'U Trl 5s '53 108 108 108 5 Illinois Cen 6 'as 93'i 98' i 98'a 1 Do lU 5s '55 S5 85 85 10 Do 4a4S '66 64 54'i 54U 1 Do ri 4s do 7t 76 76 Dn col tr 4s '53 69s4 6:1 7 3 Do est '61 B84 98' 98U I VteC LAN Oos'63A 69- 63 69' 16 Drt 4'as 63 P4'a 64 64'a 15 111 Steel 4'js 40 lOtt'', 10S' 106" 6 Ala Pow 5s '46 1 Do 5s '51 5 Do 4 '67 9 Do 5s '56 I Alumin Co 5s '52 4'4r'r to Oct.

15, '34: thereat. er 3r 90 85 82 I Job Pr 6 2022.106', 106 106 89 89 84 'i 85 67 67 81i 81 103 103 -m CORPORATION BONDS. Bales 'in 1.009s Hiah. iu Close a Am El ft 6s S7 A 14 14 14 wnner iamos sold from fi osjtic so- 8 Am Ci v. Sc jo-jo 91 2 Trumbull 8t 6s 97 96', 97 2 Un EI Lt ft 5s 106U mfiti 42 Ln Pae 4' -s '67 99 98, 99U 90 choice lonshaul and overnight lambs 44 inland St i'is 7 Am Pow 6s '39.

23 4 Do 5s '53 20 32 Am PAL 6s 2016 46 1 Am KoU 5s '48 83 21 Appal El pw ft-'Ml 98 o.a, a iew strictly choice strong-weights to $7. Bucks were discounted 1 ifjfl 105 106' oi per nunareaweight, and most no (torn 4s fin. 47 Do rfs 4s 1003. 6 Unit, nriiCT -si 95 94 ...100 100 84 83 3 APPII foil 6 2024 A 84 3 Ark 5s '56 70 95 100 84 83 58 65 28 25 93 22 20 45 83 97 84 70 32 17 20 l'i 15 13 14 19 47 20 45' 83 98 84 70 32'. 17 20 16 -4 15 15 19 47 tnrowouw were salable at $4 down Bulk fat ewes $1W2 per hundredweight; choice kinds higher.

Stock ewe trade moderately active and fully steady- bulk stock ewes tfi.SQft) 19 8 Rub 5s s47 2 Utah Tr 5s ii. 5 Utah ft 5s '44. 14 Util fc '47. j8 Do 55 '59 ww 83 58 62 27 25 a 58 C3 28 26 1 1 1 3 3 3 10 8 9 17 17 17 7 7 9-16 9-16 9-16 8 8 8 1 1 1 3 3 3 9 9 9 5 5 5 18 IS 18 1 1 1 17 17 17 1 1 1 71 11 71 47 48 47 4 4 4 5-16 5-16 14 14 14 4 3 3 7 7 7 12 12 IV4 IV, 1 1 lis 1 13 12 12 73 73 73 40 40 40 1 Pac Coast Pow 5s '40 97 97 97 62 Pac GftE 4Us SI 109 100 2 Do 5s '55 105 105 105'2 7 Do SUs '52 105 105 105 3 Do 6s 41 113 113 113 13 Pac Inv 5s '43 A 73 79 79 8 Pac ft 5s '53 41 40 40 4 Pac Oil 6Us '43. 92 91 91 7 Pen El 4s '71 72i 72 72-', 1 Pen Oh Ed 64 64 64' 5 Do 5U-s '53 f.8 55 58 13 Pen Oh PL SUs 102 102 4 Pen Pow 5s '56 105 105 4 Pen Wfit ft 5s 109 10 109 22 Peo GasIAC 4s '81 72 71 72 6 Do 83 '57 3 90 90 90 1 Peoo ft 5s '79.

1 1 1 12 Phila El 5s '66 112 112 1 Phila El 5s 108 1C8 103 5 Phil 4-s 105 105 4 Pied El 6s '60 A 72 72. 72 I Pied By 5s '54 A 87 87 87 1 Potomc El 5s '36 ..10 106 10 3 Potomc Ed 5s '56 97 96 97 16 Do 4s '61 93 93 93 1 Pow Cor 4 '59 77 77 77 2 6Us '42 A 90 90 90 3 Puo 4Us '57 102 102 102 1 Pub 111 4s '78 75 75 75 1 Do 5s '56 88 88 83 3 Do 4 'is '89 76 76 76 5 Do 4Us '81 "7R1. i 10 As Elec 4Us '53 6 As Gi'E 5s '50 11 Do 5s '77 8 Do 5s '68 10 Do 4'-s '49 5 As Tel Ut 5i 7 Do 58 '44 2 Do 6s '33 ctf 32 17 20 17 15 15' It' 19 :7.50 a head, with choice younj eweo A 15 Abr fe S'raus 5s 43 .102 102' 102' 7 6c o'lS 3S 46.. Si SM-4 1 Aib Vvrap ej'i bi'i o.f.3 10 Aiiegnany as '44 b4- l-4a ti 1JO as '4l dS S3 1 Do 5s '50 28 28 15 Am For 3 2030.. 4 48 4 5 Am Beet Sug to l'd S' 99 2 Am Chain lis '38 H8 88 tt S2 Am Cyan os '42 lni 101 101 5 Am Ire is 63 63 63 4 Am IO CfK'm 5s 49..

i5 9S' m'( 13 Am Roll 65 '38 13 Am Smelt 03 '47 103 103 1U3' 39 Am 5s 110 110' a 110- 29 Do coi 5s 46 109 108 109 94 Do 5s '60 108 10 li)iJ4 161 Do 5s '65 108 107'! i 10 32 Do 4s '39 107 106' 106 28 Am ti 5 '44. .101 101 101 2 Am Wri Pap 6s 22 22 22 25 Arm Del 5s '43 96 95J tfS- 17 Arm 4s '39 99 99 10 Armstrong 5 '40 1110 100 100 83 A 4 95 102 100 101 3 Do ndl 4s 95 95 95-', 95-. 2 Cab Wire A 12 Do 1 Can Ind Air A 1 Can Mare. Wire 5 Carib Syn 8 Carrier Corp .3 s-Catalin Am .25 Celluloid pi 1 Cen St El 1 Chief Consol 29 Cities Service 2 Do pf 5 rColon oil .50 Col ft pfd (51 1 Col ft vtc 4 Comw Edls 14 1 Comw ft So war .50 Commun ft 1 pf 4 zComm Wat Svc 1 zCoon Bess pfd 7 Cord Corp tg 1 Crane Co 8 Creole Pet 5 Cresson Gld (.12) 3 sCrown Pet 98 zCusi Mex 16 Dist Corp Sesgr 2 Dow Chem (2a) .25 Duke Power i4 1 Vanadium 5 St 81 81 103 103 3 xajn "te 1 As ft 5s '55 A 4T 32 Vircimen Rt 5s 107 CHICAGO. K'H 107 RAYMOND HOOD, NOTED ARCHITECT, DIES AT 53 YoJ.

Aug. 14 0P)-Raymopd 83 Do 4Us 81 100 100 4 In.erb ft Tr 7s 7KU 77', 'iSU 6 Do 7s '32 ct 78 75U 78 170 Do 6s '52 38'a 3 3'a 4 Da 6s '32 33 33 33 9 Do rf 55 '66 'ii2 73's 3 Int Cement 5s 48,... U3U 95 93' 6 int Gt atlj 6s 8U 8J, Sjj 8 Do 1st s6 '52 2-U 2oU 2i. 2 Do as -56 27 26 26 2 Do OS U8 26 2d 26 7 Int Hydro El 6s 54 531, 54 2 int Paper as '47 6M'i b9U 691, 8 int cv 4Us '39 62 61U 62 15 Uo 4US '52 54U 53U 53U 19 Do deb 5s '55 57U 561, 57 3 Invest Eq 08 '47 A 95U 85U 3 James 4s '59 83U 11 South 5s '50 66'4 65U 6U 14 Do 3s '50 73 71U 71U 37 Term 4s b0 100-4 101U 7 Kans 4- 4Us '80 34i. 94U 94, 3 Kendall 5Us '48 A 96U 96 96'.

1 Kresg Found 6s 991, 99', 102'i 1(1934 HOT'. 4 1'S ftZ 3 VaA-SW 1st as Chiraso. Au. 14 (U. s.

Dept. Aarl. to 2003. 80 88 90 "OSS iteceipts, 15.000, including o.uuu direct; closed activt, 25c to 36c 8 Wabash rf 5is '75 mgner; azo to 320 pounds. 5.90; top.

$6: 170 tO 210 DOlinris. 15 3Srfr-SflA. liirtot uo 1st '39 90 4un.uiaLlUllBI eln architecture throu8h daring departures from his profession's tra- 8 Baldr Loc 6s '38 xw 91 91'. 91 22 Ie an 5 'H A-HO' HO 110S 7 Bell Cen Ss -67 B.111 my, 2 Do 5s '60 111 111 111 20 Bingh ftP 5s '48. 101 100 100 1 Birm El 4s '68 65 65 65 9 Broad Riv 5s 58 54 agv, 4 Caro 5 '56 76 76 1 Cedar Rap Mfg 5s'53 111 111 111 lights.

J4.75't(.5.25;pigs. $4.50 pack- 2 teT.Bk cl 6s '48cp'on 23 9 Wabash 5s '80 14 7 Do os' 78 14 14 88 23 14 14 14 41 52 80 80 99 14 90 23 14 14 14 41', 'a 52 80 80 99 was 53 years old. 14 Do 6s '37 101 100' 2 UO 4s 1909-Da 93 93 93 93 uPP 4'is "8 14 1 Walworth 6s '45 41 3 Warner Bros 6s '39. 53 4 Warner Quml 6s'39. 80 36 Warn 7S 80 10 Wash Term 3 Us '45.

99 2 Wash Wat 5s 4 -rn as 00. so'a ao'a 80 101 93 116 83 'i 46 44 42 i UO -s -52 93i 5 Pub Sv 6s ctfs .116 1 Pub Sv Okla 5s '61 83 27 Ptig Sd 5'As '49 48 1 Do fs '50 44 37 Do 4s '50 43 3 Cen 111 53'56 E. 60' 60'. 12 Do C-A At! AL 4'aS 5 Atl Kn fe 4s 44 A Line 1st 4-, 9 Do elf 4s '52. 5 Do 4 Us 64 3 Atl I 5s 104'a 104U 100 100" '55.

101' 101U 52.. ih' 95 95 74-U 74 '-i 74J4 86 KS 8 55', 55', 55', 115 83 4 44 42 1 3 Un Ar 64 '75 33' 2 In A Ry 5s '52 47 2 Do 6s 52 A 76 H. 'S 1 Utah 4sj4 sj 106' 106 33 4h-' 7S1 88 58 33 47 74 as-1 53 60 59 55 55 99 P'n as '58 a 107 107 107 6 Western El 5s '44 109'. in-. ino-" 102 102 1 East Sta Pow 1 .50 Do A pfd 7 1 trEislT 21ec 41 El Bond ft Sh 11 2 Do pf 161 44 1 El Pow As 4 1 7Elect Sh pf 46 62 62U 62U 61 61 61 92 92 92 .101 101 101'.

97 92 90 92 a Atl pelin 5s .107 107 107 1 Lac Gas SUs '53 8 Do 5Us 60 3 Dn js '31 1 LEA-West 5s '37 1H 8 3Us IS Lautrao Kit 6s 54 1 7 11 43 4 4S 18 1 7A. 91 91 91 84 83 84 59 55 55 9.4 72 53 32 32 43 uo os '68 10 Do 4 Us '81 5 Do 4 Us '67 9 Cen Me 5s '5J 1 Cen Oh LAp 5s 50. 20 Cen 5s '56 11 Cen st El 5s 8 Do 5s '48 6 Do 5s '33 3 Chi Dist 4 Us '70 uis suns, ti.outfo; snippers. 2.000, estimated holaover light liaht, good and choice, 140 to 160 pounds, 4.7S5.35-lightweight, 160 to 200 pounds. 5 80; medium weight.

200(250 pounds, 5.90; heavy weight. 250 to 350 pounds. 5.65fo; packing sows, medium and good, 275 to 550 pounds, J4M5; pigs, good and choice. 100 to 130 pounds. 3.

504 4.75. Cattle Receipts. 6.000 commercial. 5.000 Government: calves, 2,000 commercial. 1.000 Government; mediumweigiu and ft'eishty steers Bradin? medium and better, steady for day but fully 25c lower tor week; very few cattle scaling above 1.200 pounds here; yearlinzs and light weak with Monday's extreme decline or Benerally 50c lower for week; liberal supply unsojd; excessive receipts and sluggish dresced trade principal bearish lactor along with recent declines in hides and offal: hulk cow trade femt-demoralized top weighty steers.

bulk, S7.50 down to J5.50; slaughter cale and veaien: steprs. Rood and choice, 550 to 900 pounds. 1 Vire ft 5s 55 A 11 4n 18 2 Rep Gas 6s '4S A cod 33 33 33 2 Safe Kar 4'1-s '79 104 104 37.106 10SU 1 106 10 10 10 4 Bald Lorn 5s '40. 3 West Md 5 Us '7 33 Do 4s '52 4 1st 5s 6 West Pac 1st 5s West Union SUs Do col os 5 Do 4U4s '50 5 Do as '60 1067i 106n 74' A 14 4 .53 Emo ft 7 pf 18 3 Leh A- 4U-s'S4 C.loo 100 100 4 UO OS 30 63-f 4 a- rlc 6s 95. SO' 73 66' so'.

3 zEquity Corp 66 46. 38 36. 101 ...102 79 f2 .104 59 55 53 90 72 52 32 32 85 101 71 42 63 73 41 40 1 San Ant a Ss sa on 90 1!sn Val Ss 2003... 69U 69U 69' 7 Do 4S 2003 56 55 55 1 Leh Term 5s 51.101 101 101 85 H3U 69 95 3 Ch nyUSY 5s '40 104 86 Do 1st 5s 43... Do rig 5s Do 35 'ffi Do 5s 2000 Do cvt 4 Us '60 Do 4s '48 3 San Joano LiP 5s '57 95" 7 Scrirtns 5.s '43 81 9 Seatlie Lt 5s '49 24 12 Scrvel Inr 5s '48 65 6 west Shore 4s 2361.

80 69" 69' 98 98 31' S6 97 96 9K 9 1-16 10 1 9 Wash Gas It 3 97 1 Wash Rv ft El 4s '51 96 'i ,1 60 06 12 West Ut 5s '37 A 58 22 Un.GAE 5s '55 A 86'. 94 9 8 22 IT 30 4 23 a yvriATL, 4' 2s '65 100 72 52 32 32 42 "a 85 104 71 42 64 73 41 40 106 102 103 100 1 zFairchild Ar 8 KPalcon Lead 2 rFerro Fnam 17 Firielio Brew Fisk Rub 10 Ffintkote A fiOU 69U 5l'i ion 96 93U 104 9U 5-i inn 96 94 97 101 .100 ii tjiiaw 4s '67 A. 95 106 38 38 100 101 102 102' 4 79 79 82 82 79', 80 100 loo 96 96 P4 84 106 107 13 13 8 8 83 83 84 84 a at Ry 25 Cities Ser 5s 'SO 42 8 Cit, Oa 5s 63 4 Cit Pipe 6s '43. 73 4 Cit PftL 5s '49. 41 4 Cit Pow 5 Us '52.

40 22 R1 94 94 102 64 ''4 86' 84, 8 Do 4s '70 Do 4s PLEWV 41 97 i nikFFl 5'-' '48. 86 8 Do 4Ua 53 84 16 Wilson Co 3 Wis cen sen 13 6 Do 4s 8 Aj 8 Ur.wS! SH. 5': 3' 1 DO 58 '70 9 11 A U) 20 .102 uo iu a 1 Ford Can 17 F. FftL 65 A lift 105 105' 37 Bana A- Aroo 4s 97'4 9S 6 Ford Ltd 14 Beech Creek 4s 101 JOREIGN BONDS?" 157 A. 10-! 102 ...103 103 33 Pa 5s '48 111 110 110 9 1-16 9 8 11 23 4 11 11 12 27 20 1 3-18 2 1 iK cai ss 51 4 Do 5s '52 10 Do Ss '54 6 So Cal Gas 5s '57 2 Do 5 '37 8 Do 4 '61 1-18 9 1 8 12 20 8 4 11 11 12 27 20 1 3-1S 2 104 ...104 104 .104 104 ...101 101 ...100 100 Pfi'i 96 ...100 100 19 Younsst 8s Do 5 70 4 ju 03 7 Comwl Ed 5s '53 2 Do Ss '54 8 Do 4'aS '56 8 Do 4 Us '57 15 Do 4s '60 134 Do 4s '81 1 Do 5'is '62 78 83 84 ...100 93 93 99 99 95 86 22 81 94 94 102 65 104 104 101 100 98 50 (O 60 85 50 65 44 82 44 44 41 2 So Ind Ky 4s '51 SO 90 88 89'.

2 7Geo Aviation 4 3 Gen El Ltd 11 .50 Gen ft rv pf 11 1 Gen Invest pf 12 .30 Gen Pub 8 pf 27 8 G'en Alden 20 1 zGold Seal Elec 1 14 Goldfield Con 1 Gorh Inc A 2 2 Asr Bk Coi 6s'48CDnon 23 106 106 1(W4 23 1 tjomwi Sub 5s '48 A 80 79 79 44 44'. 1 com FL 5 '57 44 52 38 48 39 51 77 74 75 41 57 85 35 36 21 40 5 Do 7.s '45 6 Antwero 5s '58 9 Argentine 6s '57 lni s. inoi, vunn kiv as 53. ujii 10 i.i'ju pounas. Jd.o'Mff 1.100 to 1.300 pounris.

S5. 75e9. 25; 1.300 to 1.500 pounds. t6.25t 9.50: common and me-amm. 550 lo 1.300 pounds, 82.25(1.2$: heifers, good and choice.

550 to 750 pounds. common and medium. S2.25fi 4.75; cows. good. S2.75 4.25: common and medium.

low cutter and cutter. 11.2542.25: bulls lyearlinss excluded, good ibeefi, J2.75&3.50; cutter, common and medium. vealers. good and choice. $5.25 6.50; medium.

S3 it 5.25: cull and common. stocker and feeder cattle: steers, eood and choice, 500 to 1.050 pounds. J4.2a3j5.25; common and medium. f2.l''i i. Sheep Receipts.

5.000: lambs slow, weak to mostly ISc lower: soma bid 25c off: sheep steady; best native lambs. 52 38 48 39 50 77 74 74 41 57 85 35 3S 21 40 79 11 3 Do 5s '60 114 114', 114- 1 Beth Stl rfc 5s 42..1103. 110 noj 1 Dm in ji 36 103 103 103 8 Bosi A- Me 5s '67 72 72 72 5 Do '61 70', 70'', 70U 1 Do 5s '55 72 73 72 3 Bkiyn Ed 5s '49 A. .108 1073, 103 10 Do 5s '52 101 107-U 197', 1J Bklyn Tran 6s 100U 100U 10 Do 6s A- '49 99i 99U 99U 1 Bklyn 1st 5s 94 94a4 Btiyn Gas 5s 104', 104 104U 2 Bur Gen El 4Us '81 107 106: 1 Buf 4'as '57 ..64 64 64 2 Bush Term 5s '55 22U S2 22 1 Bush Blda 5s 60 39J Sli 33i 10 By Prod 5Us "45 73 7S 73 9, 9 9 9 9 9 90 90 SO 80 80 80'. 80 80 80 80'i S0 UO t)S OH .10 ut Atl ft nv 1 7b).

130 130 130 1 A- 7s '44. ..127 127 127 1 Do Ss 'SI 113 11S 113 11 Inc 6s '41 100 90 100 10 Lone Isl rfs 4s 49... 99 99s, 99 7 LonUard Co 7s '44. ..124 124 1245a 8 5s '51 UO 110 110 10 Louisia At Ark 5s 'S9. 56 55 58''.

3 Lou A- El Ss 104 1 Lou 5' -s 10 10 10 2 Do 5s 2003 101 99 101 11 Do 4Us 2003 92 92 92 18 Do 4S '40 103 102 103 8 ManatI 3 7s '42 sta 16 18 If 1 Do TUs 42 mod ctfs sta 17 17 17 44 Manhst Hy 4s 90 51 49s, 49 1 Do 4s '99 ct 42 42 42 3 MtKes Hob 5Us '58 79 79 79'i 26 Mead Coro 6s '45 79 79 79 5 Met Ed os '53 1C0 99 1C0 6 Miuvaie Stl as '36 .102 102 102'- 2 Mil El 5s '61 78 78 78 8 Do 5s "71 7S 78 78 1 St Con55'3-ictf 7 7 7 Do Til 5s '62 2 3 2 4 atd 5s '38 17 37 37 7 M-K-'lex 5s '62 72 71 71 4 Do 4Us '78 67 B7 67 8 Do 1st 4s '93 87 85- 86 10 Do 4s '62 64 6V'. (T, 3 M-K-Tex acij 5s '67 39 39 39', 1 Mo Pac 51 '49 ...7 7 7U 5 Do 5s 'K5 A 22 22 22 11 Dn 5s '77 22 ''2 3 Do 5s '78 22U 22 22 12 Do een 4s '75 9 9' q- 50 70 60 8(1 85 50 64 44 82 44 41 73 77 41 Do 6s Sf '5! Jii'n" 1 Aire rr 7s '47 52 3 Cent or 6s '52 A 38 5 Do 6s '51 48 5 Com Pvt Bk 5s '37 40 6 Cubn Tel 7s '41 A 51 3 Danish Con 5 77 2 Port 6 "is '52 74 7 Ercole 6s '53 A 75 2 Europ Mj 7s '67 C. 41 1 Farmer Nat Mi 7s '63 57 Fin Bk 63 85 3 Ger Man 7s 35 6 Gesfuerel 6s 53 36 5 Ouan ft '58 21 2 Mandoza Pr 4s '51 sto 40 1 Nippon 6's '53. 79 1 Parana Bras 7s 11 32 Rum s.s 3 13 SantaFeAr 7s 35 1 Satida Falls 5s '55 A. 108 10 Term Elec 6s 74 a Un El Svc 7s '56 72 .10 Do 1st Df (7) ...125 125 southern Nat 6s'44 70 1 So west A Tel 5s'61 A 60 7 So'west OJ-E 5s'57 86 2 Do 5, '57 85 2 So Ind Ry 4s '51 50 2 So'west I ftP 5S '57 65 1 So wrs PA-L, fis 2022 A.

44 3 Stand ft 6s 35.. S3 18 Do 6 '51 443', 3 Do 6s '6 44 10 Stsnd Inv 5s 73 4 Do 5s '37 77 5 Snd ft I. 6s Al' 2 Stand Tr' 5' -s 24 Do sf 6s '50 Oct 17 17 17 UU 80 80 29 Greyhound 6 Gulf Oil Pa Uo sf Cs i960 May 57 58 58 Do 6s 1960 Sect 60 r- tjs 101T, 1017A 10 ConGEL Ba 4s 70H 106 106 106 4s '81 104 104 104 1 Cton Gas Ut, 6 '48 A 8 8'', 8 44 42' 42 4 Consurn 5s '36. ...105 104 vi 104'i 5 r-D1 tiSJ58 105'' 105 3 Cont GAE 5s '58 47 46 47 2 S''' '37 102:, 102' 102'i 2 Crucible St 5s 92 B2 92 2 Cua'ahy 5s '37 10314 103 us 6s 19eo Oct Da tit 1961 Feb Do 6s 1961 May Un 'tit 11 5 Walker 25 33 Hollins CSold 105b 19 28 zHudson Bay ft 14 '4 24' 24' 8U 81 80 80 80 80 80- gfl. 80 80 75 75 94 94 95 95 90 80 60 60 35 351.

24 19 14 43 0 80 80 75 95 95 90 60 i Humo Oil i7t 43 Sun Pine line 5s '40 .102 102 102 3S 108 74 5 3 35 108 74 72 46 agaiii5t "ul.7'' in no so 102', 102 108 10EU 116'a lltiU 4 fto ss Do 5s '44 3 Det Gas 6s '47 95 95 SIS Australia 5s '55 8 Do os '57 1 Do as '56 4 Austria 7s '57 1 Bavar.a 6Us '45 1 Belgium 7s '55 3 Do 7s '5S 10 Do 6Us '49 6 Do 6s '55 24 19 14 43 5 IS 15 15 4 18 13 5 33" un Ind 6, "45 46 46 Stork sales. 136.000 snares. 5 Cal Pack 5s '40 6 Can Sou 5s '62 11 Can Nat By 5s '70 39 Do 4s 51 7 Do 4S '54 1 Do 4s '56 1 Do 4s '57 107 107 107 87 87 87 102 102 iw' jou year aeo i uo ss '50 11 Duke Pow 4s '7 Bond sales. i2.60O.0OO. 2ainst 12.517 oro 1U2 102 ..190 100 100 6.80: choice lots to small kihers.

7ro7.10; extreme top. $7.25 on fw to yard traders: range lambs and yearlings absent: native ewes. $22.75: lambs. 99 pounds down, good and choice. J6.10S7.25: common and medium.

J4.50W6.13; ewes. 90 to 150 150 pounds, good and choice, $23: all weiihts. common and medium. 2.50; feeding lambs. 50 to 75 pounds, good ana choice.

S5.504i6 JKKRKY CITY SHEEP. IAMBS. Jersey City. N. J.

Aug. 34 (API Sheep and lambs 9.890. including 8.150 dirct. Lambs steady, good to choice West Virginias. S7.50f8: medium, common throwouts.

S4.50. 3eep nominal. 2 Hydro Elec Sec 1 .50 111 ft 8 Pf 39 Imp Oil Can 3 Do retr i.65b 1 Ind Pipe Line 1 Ins Co Am 121 1.50 H1-F1 pf (3. 5 zlnt Mining 2 Do war 47 Internar Pet (1.56b(. 2 rlnter Prod 6 In'er Util 2 rtrvin Air Ch 1 zltal Superpow A AUU 100 9 Beiaen City 5s CO 100 78 33 13 15 15 4 49 18 13 5 28 2 9-16 3 13 15 15 4 4 6 'a 18 13 J-.

28 2 3 1 Tenn Pub '70 3 7Tes Om Gas fts '48 2 Tex El Rs '60 2 Tex Gas Ut 6s '4S Tex PL 6s 2022 A i9 Do 5.1 '54 .1 Do 5s '37 1 7Thermoid stp B3 17 83 90 102 63 Benin cuv 6s 33 112 112 112 ....106 1C6 106 112 112 112 111 111 111 ....108 208 108 115 115 115 ....116 116 116 ....117 116 116 ...103 103 103 ....110 103 109 0 97 98 94'i S4 9t'i 92 91 92 78 77 78 17 102 34 "4 67 58 7 tl -S '1 37 oni r.i iLiev Bus 5 Bosoti 8 MS 18 East Ut Inv 5s 17'i 17 6 Fd El III 5s '35 102 102' 13 Elec 5s 2030 34 34 1 Empire Dis 5s 67 67 8 Emp 3s 59'4 58' 2(1 Cot 5s '48. .102 101' 11 Fstone Tire 5s '42 ...102 101 103 103 106 106 93 93 55 55' 79 79 16 17 83 83 89 8Q 102 102" 8 68 45 46 43 43 101 104 104 104'- 104 103 104 37 34 18 5 30 28 2 3 1 Do 4 Us '63 3 Do 4s it 3 Do 5s '69 Jul 4 Do 5s '69 Oct 10 Can Nor 4 Us '35 7 Can Pac 5s '4 32 Do 5s '54 20 Do 4Us 45 29 Do 4Us '60 9 Do 4s pero 19 Car 5s '38 2 Do 5s '80 22 22 7 Mont Pw rfc 5s '43 93 93 93'- 3 Morris Ar Co 4' .39 S9 fit 99 10 Mor Si Essex 5s '5 99 09 09 21 Do 4s '55 90 R9 nn-s, 28 Do 3 Us 2000 86 Si 85 loirao to hs B2 102 3 Twin CRT 8s'52 A 46 year ago. 70fficially listed on application by th Corporation. Other securities are admitted to dealinn is "unlisted." on application of a reciiiar member and approval by the lisUn- committee and 'he Board of Governors Ex-dividervd. xFirst sale since ex-dtrl-aend date or aates.

tFx-riqhta. -Pln emra or extras. b-Including extra or extras. d-Payable ln scrip. e-Palrl last T'T- f-Payable in stoefc.

f-raid so this year. h-Cash or sioct. k-Arcumu-lated dividend paid this year extra cas.1 or stocK dividend paid mnn January 1. ur-Under rule. ww-Wnh nr.

rants, xw-Without warrants. '56a. 34 18 5 26 25 '52. 25 94 119 73 33 37 34 18 5 29 25 25 24 94 119 117 46 45 102 '4 102 26 25 3 a I. 57 3 Bolivia 7s '69 4 Brazil 8s '41 30 Do 6 Us '26-57 11 Do 6, '27-57 6 BraziICRyEl 7s '5 1 Brisbane 6s '50 2 British 5' '37 SI British 4s '60-00 16 Buenos A 6s '61 sta Obligations of Cuban 58 69 25 58 69 107 106 105 68 94 97 4U 4 119 2 Ulen ft Co '44 sta 43 6 Union El 5s '67 ..102" 15 Do 4s '57 IO41 1 Do 5s '54 A 104' 8 Un Gulf Cor 5s 50 .104 50 Nat Dairy '48.

93 3 Nf Mex 4Us 57 asd 4 '4, 3 Nt RR '26asd a 16 Do 4s '51 asd 5 4 5 Industries Deferred ..117 47 4 0 117 46 45 17 oiin a bus '61 45 4 Ju 7s '68 rpn off 17 Fla 5s '79 A 8 Gatin Ss '56 2 Gen Pub Ut 6s '56 5 Gen Rcf 6s '38 xr. 3 Gen Vend 6s '37 3 Gen Si A 28 Geo Pow 5s '67 31 Glen Aid 4 65... 2 TGobel 6s '35 1 Gt Nor 5s '35 1 Gt West. 5s a 95 42 97 4 55 77 76 17' 13' jatl Hte-I o5 56 ...103 102 103 30 Newark Gas rs '48. .111 111 ill' 1 New Enr TftT 5s '52 111 in 111 5 Pow ft 4s '60 91 90 91 7 8v 5s '52 A 55 'i 55" stu 94 94 42 42 97 97', 4 4 54 55 7S 76 75 76 74 74 13 13 ...110 110 110 ...104 104 104.

...102 102 102 1 Kirby Pet f.lOgi 2 4 lake Shore '2' Ss .50 Lane Bryant nf (71.. 70 1 Lehieh 7 26 Lib MrN 7 2 lone star Gas 5 1- Lon Is Lt 2', 7 zLouis 3 2 7Mavis Bott A i 1 7Memph 2'. 3 Mesabi Iron 1 Miehiaan 8tn 1 3 Mid St pet. A vte 1 1 Do vtc 5 Mid West Util 3 3 5S 70 70 7 1 7 7 5 2 2 34 3 2 2 1 1 1 IS, 55 6 3 Cent Dist 5s '43 107 107 107U Cen Til (3 5s '51 i 60 5 Ceri Pac 5s -60 73 72 73 12 Po 1st 4s '49 92 89 92 3 Cen -I 5s 'S7 .104 101 104 2 Cerrain-td 5s '48. 61 60 61 31 Chesap Corp 5 101 101U 13 grn 4Us 92.

..109 108 103 IS Do rfe 4Us '93 A 101 100 101 IS Do rf? 4' '95 B.102 100'', in2' 2 Do 1st 4s '8? K-A 102 102 102 1 Chi Al'on 3s '49 55 55 55 7 CBfe rf? 5s '71 A. ..107 106 107 25 Do 4 'is '77 101 os inou 17 Do cen 4s 103 102', 102 11 Do 4 111 '49 103 103 3 Do 3Us 111 '49 100'. 1011 11 Chi 111 5s '51 9 9 9 1 Do 5s '51 Ct 8 8 8 )9'a 68 66 .100 100 100 Cabinet Takes Steps Toward Economic Adjustment With Moratoria. Havana. Aug.

14 () The Cuban Cabinet tonight took drastic steps toward economic readjustment of the 4.uin 25 6 11 Canada 5s '52 2 Canada 4' 36. 9 Do 4 '60' 5 Carisbad 8s '54 1 Ch'le Mr Bk 6Us 4 Do 6s '61 1 Cnile 7s '42 5 Do 6s '60 13 Do 6s '61 Jan 2 Do 6s '61 2 6 i 6 3 47... 105 105 105 Oil Pa 5s 5 Do 5s '37 57. 12 12 11 11 11 13 20 .112 6v; 60 60 95 ij uo rs 1 TftM 5s -4. 1 TftM 5s '543.

67 NYC cvt 6s '44 27 Do rf 5s 20' 3 15 Do 4s 2013 10 Do con 4s "98 27 NYCA-Hn 4'-s 2013. 3 Do 4s '42 25 Do 3''s '57 i'14 104 104 O-T'4 18 20 111 65 60 84 60''. 95 R9' go tiUlf St Ut 55 '56 A 1R 20 111 65 60 2 60 95 88 80 83 85 85 13 13 11 11 11 11 11 10 11 FIRST MORTGAGE BONDS CALLED 4 Do 6s '61 Rem ii 90 14 3 Do 6s 'f3 10 1 Chilean Mm cn island's business by declaring a series! of moratoria and deferred payments I on the obligations of sugar mills, rail-1 14 48 27 3 Chi OUfcS's 5s 104 104 2 NYC La Sh '98. 80 6 ft ft 6s .15 5 2 rMock Voch Cn .75 I pf (7i .30 Do 2d pf 6 Molybdenum vtc 4 Coiomb 6s '61 Jan. 72 75 97' 98 109 67 67 29 73 75 97' 98' 109 87 67 i'O os 01 oct.

6 14 46 27 6 115 36 4 1 Chic Gt West 4s '59. 29 1 Chi I As 6s '66 9 9 4Us '89 C. 57 2 Do 4Us S3 53 46 24 f' 114 36 4 .20 Montg Wd A 8k) 115 27 27 23 74 87 roads, public service groups, farms 9 57 SB's 52 3 Colom Mt Bk 7s '46. 1 Copenhagen Ss '52 11 Copenha Tel 5s '54 9 56 58', 52 29 1 Hll Pr 5s '47 72 1 Hons Gulf 6s '43. 75 9 Hons LAP 4s '78 97 15 Do 4s 81 08 4 rHudson Bay 6s '35 109 8 zHyarade Fd 6s '49 A 67 1 Do 6s '49 67 I 1 111 Nor Ut 5s '57 103 5 111 Pow 5s '56 62 Do 5S '57 56 7 Do 6s '53 60 2 Do 5s '54 67 2 Ind El 5s "31 59 53 3 Do 5.s '74 A 66 66 66 36 Do 4Us '78 54 54 54 14 Conn 4s '53.

.105 10) 105'. 1 Dock Co 5s '38 39 39 9 Etils SUs '41 ...113 112 lis 9 Do 5s '51 107 107 1071'. 13 HftP 4s '49 107 106 106 31 ft 4s '73 94 94 94 and privat; homes. A decree urovided a special arrangement for sugar mills, which form 2 26 27 23 74 87 25 98 74 12 94 89 78 52 92 99! a 3 Do E-n 4 89 39 5s 101 Do artj 5s 2000... 5 Ss 2037 2 Do 5s '87 sta Jl Do 4s '49 2 Do 2037 8 Do 4s 2037 C.

091 "'a 44 63' 28 32J4 33 27 23 74 87 25 98 74 12 94 89 T8 52 92 99 99 94! 4 2 36 14 44 4 3 i I i Cuba's basic industry. The arrange-! 4 Mont (li.i 3J3, 3 Mount Prod (60. 4 13 Bellas Hess 2 .50 'zNit container llsi 36 3 Nat Fuel 1 15 2 Nat PA-L pf 18) 45 1 7Nat Rb Men i 5 Nat Service 4 Nat Stl war 2 Un Pad 1 zNatomas Co (.60 9 1 New Bradford I.10 2 All outstanding First Mortgage 5U Real Estate Bonds, of the following 103 81 56 69 67 59 58 35 35 15 44 5 6 7s 'oi enn on 25 4 Cuba 5s (19041 96 22 Do 4 Us '49 741, 5 Cundtnam 6', -s '59 12 2 Denmark 6s '95 4 Do 5 Us 'S5 V.I 90 2 Do 4Us '6? 7it. 12 Price 6s '66. 92U 2 Finland 6s 99 6 Do 6s "45 091.

103 61 56 68 65 59 57 34 34 94 ment provides a complete moratorium 61 65 47' 46 46 10 HftH cvt 6s 48 62U 1 Do col 6s '40 65 16 Do 4Us '67 48 5 Da 4s '55 47 1 Do 4s '56 46 3 Do 3S '54 40 62 65 48 46 46 40 on all sugar mill debts until lfl-ifi 58 35 35 when they must pay 2 to 10 Der cent ina nya El 5 7 Ind Svc 5s '50 .6 Ind Svc 5s '63 A 24 Ind ft 5s '57 A. 1 Int Salt 5s '51 6 Int See -47 40 8 44 63'', 27' a 32 33 7 19 18 52 112 107 100 87 45! a 82 101 94 44 63 27 32 33 7 19 13 52 112U 99 87 45 82 101 110 9 2 46 104 104 104 2 46 4 mm () 47 8'4 58 53' 94 97 GE CE 97 CC CA 1 Inters I Si Stl 5s '46 81 8 cvt 4s '60. 7' 2 Do rf? 4s '34 19' 4 Do rftr 43 '34 IS-1 2 5s '60 52 8 Chi Un Sta 6Us '63 112' 10 Chi Un Sia 5s '44 35 ChArW Ind 5Us '62. .100 2 Do 4s '52 88 1 5 Chi'ds 55 '43 45' 2 Chiie Coo 5s '47 82 13 Cin ft 4i '68. .101 13 Cm Ter 5s 2020 B.UO' JJ SI" Mlln 6 97 in FrAllC'i '4l 188 10 rr 'An 4 4 isia- Hua Pow 8 HO A nra 188 188', 7-16 2 Lon? Br 4s "41 100 100 100 ft rfs 4s 92 59 59 59 3 Do cen 4s 55 51 51 51 3 Ry inc 6s '65 8 8 8 2 Sta Ry 4s '62 ct 3 3 3 2 Steam 5s '56 105 105 7 Do 5s '51 105 105 105', 11 Tel 4s '39 107 107 107 1 Trap Rock 63 '46 52 52 52 188 188 188 1 Ni Sh Md mr Iff 1 Gelsenkir 65 '34 81 33 49 47 77 78 81 33 49 48 79''2 79 3 2 56 ,4 56 i 56 3 2 3-18 tier Ci Ac fie "JO 4.,.

An 1 zwipissinir Mines 2 31 zNor Eur0p Oil 3-18 1 imeis row tS 'az 33 9 Inters Pow 5s 49 11 Inters Svc 4s '53 43 12 la-Neb ft 5s '57 79 6 It Pub Sve 6s 79 2 Jacksonv Gas 5s '42. 33 40 Jer Cen PA-L 4s '61C 94 110 109 109U 109 2 zOilslock f.40tt) oi me iTrass value of the sugar they manufacture, based on a scale of sugar prices raninst from $1 to $3.50 a hundred pounds. The sugar growers were given a moratorium until 1912 on the amounts they owe the mills. Railroads and public service companies were granted a moratorium on mortgages and bonds until 1942, but thev must pay six months' interest annually. Docks and storehouses are treated similaily.

Farm owners and private home owners were minted deferred navmrnt bv 10 3 105 106 106 10 3 10 3 33 3 Outbro. Mot A 33 SH 81 81 4 ft 4s '16 30 39 1 Norfolk Sou 5s '61 A 15 15 4 Norf ft 4s 06 105 105' 18 Nor Am Co 5s 61 85 84 1 Nor Am Ed 5s 'S3 88 88 93' 14 Do 5 57 3 Do 4 Us 202O 20 cen 4s '93 10 Ter 5s '73 4 Do 4s '77 1 Col A- So 4' '80 A Do 5s '47 .100 100 100 95 81 40 35 47 47 43 47 85 84 23 80 55 13 93 39 15 105' 84 83. 103 90 83' 19 19 19 67 S4 87 67' 82' S2 2 Knn ft T. 6s 38 38 103 89 83', 1 ft Tj 6s '47 48 Nor Pac 6s 2047 8 Do 5s 2047 D. 83 No 4s '07 .103 90' 057: LO.mbu 5s '52 Ap.

82 Do Ss '52 May 82 7 Do 5s 1P61 82 Coi -a 57 05 9 Com'! Inv 5' '49. 1 5 pf'1) 1 Psc Pub Svc 1 Airwi gi 6 rPantepec Oil 1 Parke Davis 1.20b), 18 Ppnnroad 1 Pa .10 Pepperell (i 5 Philip Morris Cons H5 82 05 33 1 25 2 58' 71 65 40 34 47 47 43 47'i 85 83 23 80 55 18 93 37 93 92 83 "a 89 5 5 84 18 31 91 12 Do 3s 204 63 ''4 6.1 .94 94 94 .100 ino 100 77 76 77 54 54 54 .102 101 102 98 97 38 12 Ger Gov Intl 5s '65. 35'1 4 Ger Gov 7s '49 47 4 Ger Gen El 6 47 6 Do 6s '48 43 6 Good Hope 7s '4sVV. 7i, 1 Graz 8s '54 rs 4 Gt Con 7s '44 84 1 Greek fis '68 23 8 Haiti Cs '52 80 5 Harnen Mm 6s '49 st 1 Heirleibs 7s '50 18 3 Hrlsm-rfors 6' '60 03 2 Hungary 7' 44 "17 Italy '51 33,. 31 Japan 6s '54 hi-1! 1 Pr 7's" 'SO 83 2 Met Water SUs '50.

89 10 Mex 10 4s asd sm '45 5U 17 Milan City 6Us '52 84 Minus Ger 6Us 18 1 Montevideo 6s '59 31 5 Sou Wales 5s 91 1 Do 5s '58 91 10 8 Nor States Pw Ss 103 103 a jv 11 x-fVLi ss ni 1 Do 6s '55 A 5 Kan Pow 5s '47 4 Kv Util 5s '61 13 Kop ft 5s '50 3 Do 5s '47 2 Kresge 5s '45 10 Do 5s 45 ctf 8 ton Cos! 5s 50 22 22' 3 95 89 67 82 82 82 95 107 22 106 103', 99 93 70 35 28, 3'' 93 a plan under which thev pay durinc 13 7 Con 5s '45 106 106 Do 5s '57 103 102 19 Do 4U-s '51 99 92 "Pioneer Gold R0I 13-1 .1111 101 .101 101 101 101 I 4 3.7 1 25 2 58 71 12 12 48 1 24 5 10 42 4 Ohio Puh Svc 7s '4 5 Ore Sh Line 5s '46 Do Etri 55s '46 107 106 107 infj 10R ins 112 112 112 33 1 25 2 56 71 13 12 48 1 fl 24 5 10 8 42 .0" PI Gl (1.40. 48 2 Potrero Sucar 1 3 Premier Gld (.12. 1 2 Prod Rov due March 1 or September 1, 1936, with interest payable March 1 and September 1, are called for payment SEPTEMBER 1, 1934, in accordance with the terms of said bonds providing for such call and should be presented for payment of principal and accrued interest on or before September 1, 1934. Interest on all called bonds will cease September 1, 1934. LIBERTY BANK AND TRUST COMPANY 2ND AT MARKET AND 8 BRANCHES 63 On-Wash 4s '61 96 4 Otis Steel 6s '41 67 94 95 66 66 93 70' 35', 23 3', 5 Laclede 5s '35 70 6 Lettish 6s 2025 A.

82 12 Lib McN ft fis '42 92 a container cor 6s 46 93 3 Do 5s '43 71 5 Cuha No Rv 51,, '42 36 5 Cuba 5s '52 .28 13 Cub Cane. Pr 6s '50 3 83 89 5 5 84 13 31 91 70 82 92 1 uins is: lh sn r-o 3 rPropper McC (1.20bl 1 zPruden Inv 2.50 Pug Sd 5 Pf .40 Do 6 pf 25 5 10 8 42 iuu.j ni cnit ut pit amounts aue on on or before June 30, 1939; another 2 wr cent durin? 1936; 3 per cent in 1937. and -4 per cent for each year in 1938 and 1939. The amounts due between June 30, 1939. and June 30.

1942, would be handled on a deferred basis as would the balance due June 30, 1939. The decree gives similar treatment to all Cuban industry. TRUSTY AT MANSION I Los Ang 5s 107 107 8 Lou ft 5s 57 89 88 89 92 92 .10 Pure Oil pf ZOIa 6'2S '50. ...167 167 167 5 Norway 6s 52 03 99.J I Sf- '4 -100 100 100' a (5b). 4 1 .40 Quaker Oats .10 Do pf i6) 21 Pac Gas ft El 5s 106 107 3 Pac Pub Rer as 93 93 93 15 Pac Mo 1st 4s '38 100 100 100 2 Pac ft 5s '37 108 107 108 10 Par-F-Las '47 filed 38 38 38 3 Do 6s '47 ct 39 39 39 3 Par Pub 5s '50 filed 41 41 41 3 Do 5Us '50 ct 39 39 39 3 Pathe Ex 7s '37 94 94 94 5 Penn Dix 6s '41 68 67 68 26 Pen Oh 100 101 72 Pen ft Lt 4Us '81 96 94 95 78 Pen Co 4s '63 101 100 101 3'a S3 8.1 74 74 74 70 70 70 10S 103 103 2 Orient Dev 6s '53 22 Panama 5'is '53 Do 5s '63 A sta 84 96 95 87 98 71 8 8 7 8 91 1 Manitoba 5" '51 A 64 3 Mass Gas Ss '55 96 10 Memph ft 5s 95 11 Metro Ed 4s '71 88 20 Do 5s '62 99 4 Mid St Pet 6s '45 A 71 1 Midwest Ut 5s '32 ctf 8 33 Do 5s -33 ctf 8 Do 5s '34 ctf 8 4 Do 5, '35 ctf 8 2 Minn Lt 4s 91 5 Minn ft 4s '73.

77 so. 95 1-88 V. 99 71 8 8 8 91 1 7Reiter-Post 1 Rellan Intl A 1 Ryan Cons Ja 43 35 14 Del ft Hurl 5Us '37 .101 100 101 4 Do 5s '35 101 101 101 69 Do rf? 43 '43 91 88 91 1 Del 4 Us '69 .102 102 102 2 Den 5s '51 sta 101 101 101 12 4s '36 38 37 37 1 Det Sd 5s '49 107 107'-, 107 11 Do 5 'o2 107 106 107 J7 tJ30 '61 1037 101'4 102 i Tun 4 2s '61 .104 104 104 28 Bros 6s '40 ...105 104 104 3 Dold Pk 6s '42 92 92 92 13 Duluth I 5s '37 103 107'a 108 3 Duque 67 A .106 106 106'i 21 East 3 7s '37 16 15'4 15'i 2.t Ed 111 B'ilyn 4s '39. .107 106 107 E1 PasoftSW 5s '65 E5 Sj. 85 LOSES HIS LIBERTY Frankfort, Aug.

14 UP) Willie 2 5 as 88-l0'-' 160 2 Pernambuco 7s '47 13 13 13 1 Peru 7s '59 11 ni 3 Do 1st 6s '60 ..7 7 7 14 Penn 6s 106 106 106 13 Do 5s '68 .106 105 106 Do 2d fis '61 Waiters, Nejfro. who has been em 7 1 7 76 76' Miss Riv 5s '51 ..103 103 103 ,118 118 118 128 128 128 2 2 2 1 1 1 2 2 2 23 28 28 2 2 2 58 56 56 1 1 1 70 69 19 18 18 2 2 2 3 3 3 22 21 22'- 2B 26 26'. 15 15 15'. 9 9 0 .101 100 101 .100 109 100'. .100 100 100 04 03 04 87 85 87 94 93 4 Member Federal Reserve System 02 Uo 5s '64 6 Do con "60 19 Do sen 4Us '65 75 Do 2Pii 4S '81 33 Pen RR 4' -s '70 51 Do 4 Us 5 Do 4 '48 Deposits Insured As Provided By Law 6 Poland 8s '50 13 Do 7s '47 2 Do 6s '40 3 Prussia 6s '52 10 Do 6s '51 3 Queensland 7s '41 7 6s ..83 82 82 ..116 116 116 9 69 69 Sl 34 34', 34 34 34', .103 103 103 53 33 33 33 105 105- 1U5-4 3 Peo Chi 5s 100 4 0 r-uu csvc at 47..

43 43 43 7 MononK WP 5'jS '53 88 86 86 20 Mont LHftP 5s 110 110 i. 5s "i0 110', 110 110 2 Munson SS 6s '37. 5 5 5 5 Narragansett 5s 103 103 12 Do 5s '57 103 103 103 5 Nat PAL 6s 2026 A. 63 63 63 2 Do 5s 2030 55 55 55 101 101 75 fi KfoftPek 5' 101 1 Pere Marq 5s '56 75 11 Do 4US 30 64 64 1 west 6s 53 .44 1 Jan 6s 2i 4 Do 8s '46 cvn 19 3 Rio Gr do Pul 6s '63 21 Rome '52 R41. 44 21 18 21 84 PhllBalftW 4' 77 103' 1(13" 10 zSt Anth Gold 11 St Regis Pap 1 zSclliff Co (2) 1 Seiberlina Rub 1 zSellndial ctf (5l 1 J-Shattuck Denn 3.25 Sherwin-Wms (3) 1 7Smith A 1 zScroione 8 So Am ft PI 10 So Penn Oil (1.20 11 Span Gen 6 St Oil Ind ll 2 St Oil Kv nt st Oil Neb 4 St Oil Ohio 1 Pt Pow ft 1 rStand Sil-Lfad 1 7Starret: 16 ostein Cosmetics 1 zStutz Mot Am 19 Sunshine Co 64) 50 Swift ft Co 66 Swift Int i2) .50 zSwissTAm El pf 75' fc'4 103' 3i l'i6 llll5 46' 60' 25 101 1 fis '64 ...118 118 2 Sao St8s 50 cn off.

901. ployed as a trusty at the Governor's mansion, was back at the State Reformatory today after having been picked up by police in connection with a cutting scrape. Walters was alleged to have wounded a Negro woman with a knife. Received at the reformatory in 1926 from Jefferson County. Walters has been serving a life term for murder.

He is eli-ibie for parole next November, but reformatory officials said his cutting escapade will probably result in a longer stay at the prison. KNOXVILLE POWER DEAL GIVEN CITY O. K. 23 Phi'a Co Ss '67 83 82'- Phil Elec 4 Us 67 8 Do 4s '71 101 101 7 Phil Road 6s '49 46 46 1 Do 5s '73 60U 60'; 1 Philippine Rv 4s 2S 25 2S Pbiilin Prt '31 mil. lni 88 5 Piiisbury Fl 6s 107 107 107 15 15 15 2 2 2 5-16 5-l 5-16 i 1 1 TT1 9 TT 77 FSh W.

L. Lyons Co. 41 19 21 3 84' 1'8 20 88 20 40 38 22 32 61 85 73 10 60 84', 34 34 34 29 61 34 3 PCC ft RI, 5s '70 A. .116 106 106 4 Do 5s '75 107 106 107 51 Do 4' '77 100 99 100 4 Do 4 Us '52 107 107 107 PortI Gen Fl 5s 89 89 89 2S Do 4'-s '60 41 41 18 Postal Tel ft 5s '53. 44 43 43 21 yTeck-Hugh (.60) 7' 1 iw 88 4 Do 6s 68 -ii4 14 Santa Fe Are 7s '42 40 i Do 7 '42 sta 38 20 Serbs Cts SI 7s '62 60 Serbs 7s '62unm rn on 17 1 Silesia El 6s '46 32 1 Silesia prov 7s '58.

63 1 Styria 7s '46 RS 2 Tokio City -6l 72-11 1 Tokio Fl Lt 'S3 73 1 Tolima Dcp 7s '47 10 1 Tyrol Hy El 7s "si 60 2 Ujigawa Fl 7s 84 1 Un Stl Wk 6s '51A 34 1 Do 6s '47 A 34 1 Do 6'aS '5! 34 41 TJruiuay 6s '80 1 Warsaw City 7s '55 61 1 Westoh 6s 'o2 34 1 r--r- 40 38 22 16 32 63 85 72, 73 10 60 84 34 34 34 29 61 34 2 ffHW; 4US 67. .106 106 106 DO 4' .106 105' 106 mini i ..101 ..100 93 91 101U 100 97 91 101 100 99 91 Established 188 MembPrs New York SUuk Exchange Chicago Stock Exchange ChicaRo Board of Trade Louisville Stock Exchange Associate Member New Xork Curb Association, Securities Bought for Cash Or fcjM-rierl On Conscrraiive Do 4s '71 Pure O.l 5' -s '37 5 Do 5s '40 2 Purity Bak 5s '48 43 Wearfsr '07 A 15 4' -s '97 rtdz Jer Cen 4s '51 6 Rem Rand 5' '47 5 Ren 5Us '53 5 Do 5s '40 Knoxville. Aug-. 14 UP) The Knox- ville City Council today approved the purchase of the electrical properties of the Tennessee Public Service Company, local power utility, by the Tennessee Valley Authority. It agreed to take over the Knox County properties from the T.

V. A. for approximately $4,250,000. Other' properties to be purchased by the T. V.

A. outside of Knox County will total around $2,230,000 io-m IZ'a 7TS 75 102 100 100'. 100 100 ino' 94 94 94 89 89 8P 88 87 87 prev.ous da 'I weFk SO $14,350,000. aeo two years azo 115.295.000. 1 to dat 12.483.343.000.

vear a-o 372. C00. Two years ago 81.9;-3.389l- xCertif icates. ins lo? ir.3 Margin Orain and Provisions 4 Revere ft 6-s; iru HiCMtcld Oil 6s '44 H9 29 4.13eKt; ASK YOUR INVESTMENT HOUSE for proiocctus with full i or write to Administrative 4nd Rescrch Exehangc lni 39 107 11 51 -V. '62 E.107 107 5 nlAriila '34 It 2 Can 4s 51 51 Tne T.V.

A. proposes to take over the RAW SI GAR. New York. An? 14 (ti iduiHKg oi tne local oower company to two vears i Adr 6s '9T. )i8- 5 88 First Floor, Kenyon Third and Walnut Streets Branch Offices: LEXINGTON.

KY. Lafayette Hotel DANVILLE. KY. promotion cam- PIc.JcrC.ry,N.J. '43 8 toosv at 3 32c for I "W-iaie liiim irom one 55 53 5'.

wted but it was ecu-j engage in a salts pre n-l r''cXai infitaWo! love the 13 '3 13 ill'- aiders higher turn it ovr to the city 13 12 13 Ii' howrver. that last Fri-! callina; for no bonds and was todsv at 3.32c for i operate tlum from one -1 miumi iur iio uunos ana ystem and then S- '50 B. Undpr a nlan pa 2 Do 4' ctf sta unopr wiur 1 UO 4S 1 4 14 14 "liner oount 31.500 bats thp TV for Promrt shipment at'Jne A b- "paid bv profits Do 4- '50 A 13 12 lor August-Septeriber "oc. closing prices: l-74cVccembcr- Jan-uJJ i1oPC; 1 84c: May. 1.83c: iZIK; V40-'.

auiet and un-chansrd with refiners listinr at 4 75c and Pcond hands available at 4707. 2,000 MORE POLICE NEED IN SAAR BASIN Geneva. 14 (P) Conditions in thp Saar Ra.ein th fttHm INDUSTRIAL LOANS For Employed People and Merchants FIRST NATIONAL BANK FOR LITERATURE OX Quarterly Income Shares writ COLLINS-MOORE tx CO. Investments M. E.

Tttylsr Laalsytll New York. closed 1311 iot tne recruiting of Fifth and Court Plac narr. feptemher rvi.iu. unr it-'ieign pouce, tne covcrning commission of the' rrjrion advised the League of Nations today. J5.50' 15 92c' 16.10c Smosed ribbed spot closed 15.43c r-s..

The Courier-Journal from Louisville, Kentucky (2024)


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Name: Geoffrey Lueilwitz

Birthday: 1997-03-23

Address: 74183 Thomas Course, Port Micheal, OK 55446-1529

Phone: +13408645881558

Job: Global Representative

Hobby: Sailing, Vehicle restoration, Rowing, Ghost hunting, Scrapbooking, Rugby, Board sports

Introduction: My name is Geoffrey Lueilwitz, I am a zealous, encouraging, sparkling, enchanting, graceful, faithful, nice person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.