The Courier-Journal from Louisville, Kentucky (2024)

1 THE COURIER -JOURNAL, LOUISVILLE, KY. WEDNESDAY MORNING, JANUARY 4, 1950. 9 Mrs. Alice Maloney's Funeral Today Second Service Is Planned At Holy Trinity Funeral for Mrs. Alice Sheehan Maloney, wife of John T.

Maloney, partner in the BolandMaloney Lumber Company, will be at 8:15 a.m. today at Barrett's Chapel and at 9 a.m. at Holy Trinity Church. Burial will be in Calvary Cemetery. Mrs.

Maloney, who died at 8:30 a a.m. Monday at her home, 600 Wallace Avenue, was president of the Cervantes Club at Nazareth College. She formerly was a volunteer case worker for Catholic Charities and was active in the Queen's Daughters. Other survivors are a daughter, Miss Mary Alice Maloney, and a sister, Mrs Frank J. Smith, Baltimore, Md.

MRS. ELIZABETH WYMOND wife of S. Wymond, Mrs. Pligahwtord Wymond, 87, former secretary of the cooperage firm of Chess Wymond, died at 8:45 a.m. yesterday at her home, 2036 Confederate Place.

She was a native of Aurora, Ind. Other survivors are a daughter, Mrs. John R. Richardson; six sons, Chess B. Wymond, Mare L.

Wymond; H. Dean Wymond, Richard B. Wymond, Philip C. d. and William G.

Wymond. de Funeral will be at 11 a.m. tomorrow at the residence. Burial will be in Cave Hill Cemetery. CHARLES PARKS Charles Parks, 72, clerk at the Louisville Service Club for the last five years, died at 3:15 a.m.

yesterday at Nichols Hospital. Centre College President Reviews Its Early History Dr. Walter A. Groves, president of Centre College, reviewed the history of the. college between 1830 and 1857 before the Filson Club last night.

Centre, founded in 1819, "set full sail" during those years, Dr. Groves related, under the presidency of Dr. John C. Young. The Presbyterian Church, which aided in founding and supporting Sinking-Fund Ends'49 Ahead By $657,000 Fund Believed Able To Reach June Goal The City's sinking-fund surplus for 1949 will be $657,000, or about a third of the fund's 1950 needs, Ben J.

Brumleve, secretary treasurer, estimated yesterday. After paying $2,755,000 for interest and debt retirement, and $3,000,000 to the City's general fund, the surplus was left from sinking-fund revenues, Brumleve said. These include the occupationaltax collections of almost 000 and Louisville Water Company dividends of $817,000. The remainder came from various license taxes. Brumleve said he believed the sinking fund will be able to meet its own requirements before June 30, just as it did last year.

The occupational-tax ordinance expires June 30 at which time the Board of Aldermen may re-enact it. Pulaski County Native, Dr. Samuel Eads, Dies Lexington, Jan. 3 (AP) Dr. Samuel Oliver Eads, 80.

native of Pulaski County, died, at a hospital here today where he had been a patient for more than five years. Dr. Eads, who retired from practice in 1938, was graduated from the Louisville College of Medicine. He practiced throughout central Illinois until his rewhen moved back to tirement, where he and Mrs. Eads lived until he entered the hospital Lebanon Woman Dies In Auto Crash Special to The Courier- lournal Springfield, Jan.

Della Blair Millen of Lebanon, was killed at 2:30 p.m. today in an automobile accident on the Springfield-Bardstown Road. The car in which she was riding with her son-in-law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Stilwell, and a car allegedly driven by Curtis M.

Carter, an Air Force soldier from Macon, collided. Stillwell suffered fractured ribs and kneecap. Berea's Mayor Gay Begins His 11th Term Special to The Courier-Journal. Berea, Jan. L.

Gay began his 11th consecutive term as Mayor of Berea at the first meeting of the newly elected City Council here last night. The 84-year-old man became Berea's first and only Mayor December 14, 1909, and has served ever since. He was opposed only once. Enter the WALTER WINCHELL $200,000 NAME- THE CAR CONTEST! Contest Closes Jan. 15, 1950 A Contest to find a name for the new low.

priced car in the low-price field that will be added to the Kaiser-Frazer line. First prize, $10,000.00 cash. Over 1000 other cash prizes. Every prize matched, dollar-for-dollar, by a cash donation to the Damon Runyon Memorial Cancer Fund, in honor of each individual prize winner! Double Prize Money Have your Kaiser-Frazer dealer or salesman enter an approximate appraisal of your present car on your Official Entry Blank and you automatically double any prize money you might win, and double any donation to the Cancer Fund in your honor! Your Kaiser-Frazer dealer has your Official Entry Blank. Contains all rules.

Costs nothing to enter. See your Kaiser-Frazer dealer today for your free entry blank! -Advertisem*ntWhen You Have a HEADACHE REMEMBER THIS IMPORTANT FACT 400 for the fact time AN INTIMATE ACCOUNT OF THE PRIVATE LIVES OF BRITAINS ROYAL FAMILY "The Little Princesses" written exclusively for Ladies' Home Journal by Marion Crawford, for 17 years Governess to Princesses Elizabeth and Margaret Rose In "The Little Princesses," her great, unprecedented account, Marion Crawford takes you inside palace walls to share with you the 17 years she lived with the Royal Family. Never before has such an by a member of the reigning And never before -editors Blackmar Gould report -have arouse such glowing enthusiasm In and out of this figures who made history: Churchill, Field Marshal Here are Mrs. Simpson and behind the abdication, and the outbreak of war seen center of Empire. Little Princesses" intimate family life -from childhood baths to Elizabeth's her marriage.

The King's and you'll find, is in many poignant father, no mother, will want It has already been chosen Club for publication late in Ladies' Home Journal. Begin in the January Journal, now in the funny dadas Home JOURNAL ou gale now at alt, Parks, who lived at 686 S. 42d, was a veteran of the SpanishWar and a member Shelbyville, lodge of Masons. Survivors are his wife, Mrs. Is Isabelle Harris Parks; son, Joseph W.

Parks; two daughters, Mrs. S. D. Nielsen and Mrs. George Affeldt; two brothers, William Parks and Joseph Parks; three sisters, Mrs.

Stella Smith, Mrs. Clara Marlow and Mrs. Gusta Frazier, and six grandchildren. DOMINIC C. TELLMAN Dominic C.

Tellman, 38, salesman for Bourne Bond for six years, died at 3:45 a.m. yesterday at St. Joseph Infirmary. He lived at 145 N. 37th.

Sur- IF IT'S A PEST CALL LOUISVILLE CHEMICAL CO. Jefferson At Hanco*ck St. 0676 Fumigating, Rodent Control By Expertly Trained Service Men READY- -MIX Concrete WHEN YOU WANT IT! READYCONCRETE CO. Poplar Level Road Phone. at MAgnolia 8603 Selinda Avenue MAgnolia 5600 vivors are his mother, Mrs.

Mary E. Tellman; brother, Ray Tellman, and a sister, Mrs. Bernice Kollros. Funeral will be at 8:30 a.m. tomorrow at Ratterman Sons Chapel and at 9 a.m.

at St. Columba Church. Burial will be in St. Michael Cemetery. MRS.

SARAH E. McMANUS Mrs. Sarah Elizabeth McManus, 82, died at 2:15 a.m. yesterday at her home, 2128 Standard. Her husband, Nathene McManus, survives.

Funeral will be at 2 p.m. tomorrow at Owen's Chapel. Burial will be in Evergreen Ceme- Extra-fast relief is what you want when a nerve-racking headache is pounding away. That's exactly what you get when you use "BC" Powders or Tablets. The famous "BC" for.

mula is a special combination of not just one, but several of the world's most popular pain-relieving ingredients. In combination these quickdissolving, fast-acting "BC" ingredients are remarkably effective--far more so than either would be alone. Remember this important fact the next time you have a headache. And when you buy "BC" you may have it in either tablet or powder form. both you get the same famous "BC" formula--the same fast relief.

has stood the test of time. You can use it with complete confidence for simple headaches, neuralgic pains and minor muscular aches. Buy "BC" today and use as directed. Two lets equal one powder. 10c 25c.

the college, and able faculty members, were important aids to Dr. Young in Centre one of the leading, small colleges of "the new Dr. Groves said. Nearly 200 attended the meeting, which followed by a New Year's party given by the retiring Filson Club president, J. Adger Stewart.

Davis Edwards is the new president. $84,782 Winner Plans To Adopt More Children Birmingham, England, Jan. 3 (AP) -Albert Ernest Moxon, 50- years-old coal deliveryman, won £30,351 ($84,782) today on a soccer parlay. What will he do with the money? "We're going adopt some children and give them the benefits we never had." Moxon and his wife, Clara, 49, have two children of their own, a daughter, 28, and a son, 15. tery.

NEW RELIEF with every breath for COUGHS, STUFFINESS effective -like of millions Vicks of VapoRub others is COLDS -how when won- you Now for amazing new relief when there's much coughing or stuffiness use VapoRub this special way, too. It's VapoRub in Steam--and it brings relief almost instantly! It's Just Do This Put 1 or 2 spoonfuls of VapoRub in your vaporizer or in a bowl of boiling water, as VICKS BRINGS directed soothing, in medicated package. vapors. Then inhale the Every upper chokey single bronchial stuffed-up breath feeling congestion soothes of a coughs cold. relieves eases that IN STEAM INSTANTLY To keep up the relief-bringing action, rub For Continued Relief VapoRub on throat, chest and back, too! It works to bring relief even while you sleepl Use it in FOR children ALL and THE adults get FAMILY wonderful -Both Rub it on, too! relief with every steam! able new booklet FOR MOTHERS! Get breath -when SPECIAL OFFER Vicks VapoRub in on child care "YOUR valuthis Its you use soothing medicated vapors re- FROM lieve chokey distress of colds almost Parents' Magazine.

Edited Send especially for Vicks from 1 TO 5." CHILD instantly! So so effective. coin and a Vicks name, address. in easy Dept. A-1, Box VapoRub boxtop to Try it today! 1813, Greensboro, N. C.

Premium intimate feature been written family's official household. Bruce Gould and Beatrice they known a manuscript to in everyone who I has read it. precedent-shattering story stream Ramsay MacDonald, Winston Montgomery, Clement Attlee. Edward VIII. the story the coronation of George VI close-up from the nerve- is a heart-tugging account of the days of the girls' splashy romance with Philip and Queen's experience as parents, ways like your own.

No to miss it. by the Book-of-the-Month 1950, but you can read it first in "'The Little Princesses" todayon sale at all newsstands. Step into the 1950 2 Kaiser than ever more for your money Big! inch wheelbase ends "short car makes driving a relaxing joy! Big 10-ft. total seating space; luxury riding for 6 over adults! Big! Powerful Thunderhead Engine has gas 7.3-to-1 high compression ratio! Big! 27.5 cubic feet trunk space equalled by only one other car at any price! Now! Even more headroom in the spacious rear seat! Improved headlining, new tailoring method gives extra insulated interior "custom" look! CAMPBELLSVILLE, KY. Caulk Motor Co.

Ct. and Columbia Ave. SHIVELY, KY. Tex Layne Motors, Inc. 4840 Dixie Highway Now! Famous Tru-line steering made even sturdier, smoother, safer.

To make bad-weather driving easier, windshield wiper blades have been re-designed! Now! Noise and dust virtually sealed out by new insulation; talk in conversational tones at any speed; arrive fresh, relaxed and clean clean clean! Now! Shock absorbers redesigned to almost eliminate "road give you an even smoother, sway-free, pitch-free ride on the roughest roads. KENTUCKIANA MOTORS, 950 South Third Louisville 3, Ky. CRESTWOOD, KY. Lee Carpenter Garage EDMONTON, KY. Thompson-Miller Motors GLASGOW, KY.

Shaw Motor Co. Now! New type of silent, "Velvet-action" clutch, plus redesigned gear-shift bell crank, gives the smoothest gear-shifting known! JEFFERSONVILLE, IND. B. G. Auto Service E.

10th Street SELLERSBURG, IND. Leroy Andres Highway 31 MARENGO, IND. Tri-Motor Co. PALMYRA, IND. Associated Motor Co.

LEBANON, KY. Lebanon Auto Sales SPRINGFIELD, KY. J. L. Boone Motors Main Street PROSPECT, KY.

Prospect Garage CORYDON, IND. Dyer Implement Co..

The Courier-Journal from Louisville, Kentucky (2024)


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Name: Sen. Ignacio Ratke

Birthday: 1999-05-27

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Introduction: My name is Sen. Ignacio Ratke, I am a adventurous, zealous, outstanding, agreeable, precious, excited, gifted person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.